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John_newman's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Welcome to KF, John_newman; glad that you're here!! Thank you very much. I really appreciate that. Can you please help me out in choosing the right Gi for karate? What is the difference between Karate gi and other gis I bought a gi online and my couch said it is a BJJ gi and i seriously have no idea about what is a karate gi and what is the difference between my gi and the karate gi. I checked the web and it is bjj gi but why is this a BJJ gi? I tried to search about it online but couldn't get sufficient information about that so i think i should ask the question here. I saw all were wearing almost the same gi in the gym. Please help me out and thanks in advance for your help. Here is the gi link which i have. https://www.elitesports.com/collections/brazilian-jiu-jitsu-mens-bjj-gis/products/elite-sports-essential-ultra-light-preshrunk-navy-adult-brazilian-jiu-jitsu-bjj-gi-with-free-white-belt Thank you very much. It really helps me to understand Gis.
  2. Welcome to KF, John_newman; glad that you're here!! Thank you very much. I really appreciate that. Can you please help me out in choosing the right Gi for karate? What is the difference between Karate gi and other gis I bought a gi online and my couch said it is a BJJ gi and i seriously have no idea about what is a karate gi and what is the difference between my gi and the karate gi. I checked the web and it is bjj gi but why is this a BJJ gi? I tried to search about it online but couldn't get sufficient information about that so i think i should ask the question here. I saw all were wearing almost the same gi in the gym. Please help me out and thanks in advance for your help. Here is the gi link which i have. https://www.elitesports.com/collections/brazilian-jiu-jitsu-mens-bjj-gis/products/elite-sports-essential-ultra-light-preshrunk-navy-adult-brazilian-jiu-jitsu-bjj-gi-with-free-white-belt
  3. Very Informative Post. I am very new to karate and i was looking to join some informative forums and I guess I made a right choice. Anyone here from Brea California?
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