Hey all! My name is Chris. I studied karate twice in the past but unfortunately life circumstances kept me from staying with my training. Now my son is taking an MMA style and a recent career change will allow me to possibly take it with him. In short if I'm going to train again, my only chance is to take the classes with my son as that is the only time I have available to dedicate. I very much like this Sensei but do have some serious concerns with the dojo's curriculum and a couple of other things. Let’s just say it is VERY different than when I was a kid. Aspects of martial arts that I found to be very important are glossed over and aspects that I find to be irrelevant are strictly held to with little or no justification. When I studied in my youth, karate was not about learning to fight. Personally, it was the last thing on my priority list. It was a physical activity that I enjoyed so was therefore not a chore. It gave me BOTH physical and mental balance, flexibility and focus. I enjoyed and preferred kata over kumite. I could spar and did well in tournaments, but only really attended them when required. I much preferred training sessions with visiting masters than competing in tournaments. Classes were usually two hours long, consisted of opening ceremonies, 30 or so minutes of calisthenics and stretching followed by another 30 minutes of upper and lower body basics and then moved on to focused training in kata, kumite, breaking, etc. then closing ceremonies. The dojo my son attends (which my wife enrolled him in without bothering to get my input) has done away with kata entirely, focuses extensively on kumite and self-defense, doesn't explore the mental and meditative aspects of the art, etc. They don't even wear full gis, some karateka don't even wear partial gis but, and this is the part I can't understand, if you want to wear a full gi, they restrict specific colors. (I always wanted to train in a black gi but my Dad wouldn't spend the extra money on one for me.) These classes are only about 45 minutes long and like I said, no kata (or the accompanying bunkai), no breaking to teach focus on applied techniques, no meditation and very little warm up and stretching. Please don't think I'm against my son training there or that they aren't a good dojo. I'm simply trying to illustrate the differences from what I was accustomed to. Like I said I very much like the Sensei and overall atmosphere. In fact they don't even stress tournaments or competition which I very much appreciate. I feel it has had a positive impact on my son. I’m only really on the fence for myself. I guess my question is, should I hold off and see if the time and opportunity to train in one of the styles that I used to becomes available OR should I just sign up and train even if I don't know that I'll get what I want out of it? Plus getting skunked again on training in that black gi that I’ve wanted for about 33 years now, LOL!!! Seriously though, I welcome input and advice from Sensei and karateka of all styles, ranks, backgrounds, etc. Is it better to train now or should I hold out for a dojo that is more like what I was accustomed to?