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Everything posted by Steppenwolf

  1. I ended up choosing a closer dojo that isn’t Uechi Ryu, but a dojo from a Seido background that is more self defense oriented. I spoke to one of the teachers for fifteen minutes or so, and discussed what I was hoping to learn. Then I attended a solo intro class, where I learned that there is bunkai even in the “yoi” at the beginning of a kata. I never knew that. I’ve since been to one class a couple days ago, and I really have to work on pushups, as I’m way out of shape! Had a great time training, and am going again tomorrow morning.
  2. As it happens, I did check out that local dojo, Shoshin. Went to class this evening, and really enjoyed it!
  3. Thank you both for the advice! After a good bit of searching around, I found a Uechi Ryu school a bit of a distance from here. Gonna check it out in early September.
  4. Hi, I'm looking into martial arts schools, and am particularly interested in something that is predominantly self-defense focused. Not looking for concussions or movements without practical use. I should add that I really enjoy doing kata, particularly outdoors, so any style with something like forms would be cool, too. Any ideas? Thanks for any suggestions!
  5. Hi! I've been training for a few months, and thought I'd check this forum out.
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