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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shorin ryu
  • Interests
    Reading, camping, bushcraft
  • Occupation

mightyquinn's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Hi from North Country NY. I am a 45 year old with 3 babies, 6,4,2 year olds. I study Shorin Ryu (Shobayashi). My sensei also has Kyokushin background so that has influenced our local style a bit. I just earned my Brown belt. I am married and my wife is super supportive of me. And I am a Baptist Pastor. Thanks for allowing me on the Forum.
  2. Thanks man, I just ordered the book Shin Gi Tai from your suggestion. It looks really good. As for Body Toughening we do whats called pain training but not much maybe 4 classes a session. I was planning on putting up a makiwara very soon I do use iron fist bags (filled with rice) on my own for conditioning but not every day.
  3. That is awesome. I am taking Shorin Ryu however my Sensei also has a background in Kyokushin so we do kumite however not as heavy as you. I believe i will go 5 3min rounds. But conditionig is a must of course. I have been skipping rope for a while which has helped a lot. Yea I have to hit the bag thanks for the advise.
  4. Wow thanks for the advise...it is so true my kata's this sat were so tight and and I tried to "power" through them that I ended up getting winded. I was so tense and nervous, I messed up a couple times. Thank God for my sensei's patience. He knew I knew them I was getting into my head. Great advise
  5. Hello folks, I am new to the forum so forgive me if I have repeated a post. This Saturday I pasted my brown belt for Shorin ryu. I am super jazzed about it. However I know I have much to do to prepare for my black belt. What should I be doing to prepare for my BB test? I know I'll have a couple more kata to learn and some more techniques as well, but I'm talking about outside the dojo. Daily practice, workout routine, streaching routine,reading material etc... I'm 45 years old and once I put that belt on I got overwhelmed. What was your preparation for the test? How did you train? What are some must read books that got you mentally and physically prepared. I have a year if I stay healthy to test. Any help would be appreciated
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