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Jeremy T

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Jeremy T's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. My wife and I are looking at Tennessee. Does anyone have any information on Isshinryu dojos in Tennessee? What is the oldest? Who are some of the top practitioners there?
  2. I would love to know more about who Bill Farrish is, and if there's anyone out there who trained under him. Also, who are the best Isshinryu instructors out there? I currently live in Austin, Texas, but we're looking to relocate. I have no desire to mold my son into anything he doesn't want to be. I just want this to be a sort of vehicle to bond with him. I don't really know much of anything about sports, and I would just like to have something I could teach him. Thanks, Jeremy
  3. My dad got a black belt in Isshinryu back in the late 70's\ early 80's around the Jackson, Mississippi area. He died a few years ago, and all I really have of his are his belt, patch and rank certificate. We were never close, and he never did much else with his life. I always really wanted him to teach me when I was young, but he was never interested. Now, I'm older with an infant son of my own, and I would really like to learn the same form (Isshinryu) so I can pass it down to my own son one day. His rank certificate was signed by Bill Farrish on May 10, 1980. I don't really know much more about it, but I really like the idea of training under someone who trained under the same Sensei. I just turned 39, and maybe it's just a crazy mid-life crisis thing, but doing this is really important to me. My wife and I have been looking to relocate because of the school district our house is in, so I'm perfectly fine with moving pretty much anywhere to pursue this. Can anyone help me out? Thanks, Jeremy
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