Hello all. I am from Bosnia and this is my first post here. I am 36 years old, and I trained karate when I was 6. Trained for 2 years and get blue belt. But 28 years I haven't practice karate at all. But I signed up my little daughter and soonest I saw one training, I get strong will to practice again. So I signed up my self to ). Trainer gave me back my blue belt but I am totally rookie. So I am going step by step. In 4 training that I had, I learned again taikyoku shodan and heian shodan. This is all fine. I see my moves are bad and all, but no prob, hope will be better. ahahha. What I wanted to ask, can you recommend me something to get my body in better shape so I can practice easier. For example, I can do 40 push-ups, run for like 10-15 min etc. But when do for example mawashi geri with right leg it is not to bad, but when do with left leg, it hurt... I hope you get the point ). So mainly wondering what should I practice at home to get better prepaired for trainings. Also there is very silly to see me with 192cm height and all other children. hahaha. Thanks in advance and sorry for bad english