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Everything posted by beungood

  1. After being in the military since 1982 and seeing many different ideas on combatives and training in HApkido, Taekwondo , Fma and Kung fu I think the Marines combative system has evolve from LINE (linear neural overide engagement) system into a decent Martial art stressing levels of basic training rsising to more advanced principles and covering a wide variety of scenarios and also locking in with thier ethic and core values training. Semper FI! US Special Forces teaches a system based on Filipino Martial Arts and looks like a good utilitarian system also. Jack O
  2. Hapkido as taught by the many traditional schools IS a combative style art and stresses spirtuality. Take a look at the meaning of Dojunim JI ,Han Jae's SIN MOO HAPKIDO, It means "Spiritual Martial Art". Grandmaster Ji teaches along with his techniques, a list of "rules" for living and training and spirituality is a huge part of it. Jack O
  3. I like the fact that Korean Police Officers must be trained in HApkido for the job. I think it should be mandatory for all Police Officers everywhere. The defensive training here is abysmal... JAck O
  4. I would stay away from the Florida based KHF that Chris mentioned. Go through the Korean Website.
  5. I have been a Police Officer 7 years and have studied Hapkido for 16 years and have found it to be a great Martial Art for use in my job as a Police Officer. I have used alot of techniques I have learned on my job and the strenous classes keep my in great shape (I am 38 but often pass for 20's) the Dan Joen breathing is a good aid in stressful situations. HApki! JAck
  6. I started in Taekwondo in 1984 with one of Sang Kyu Shim's blackbelts we did the Chonji/pyong ahn style forms. I have trained in HApkido since 1987 and tested in front of Grandmaster Yu, Chun Hee and GM Kim,JAe Nam for seocnd Dan. I now study with Dojunim Ji,Han JAe in Sin Moo HApkido and train with Master Mik Mcarthy.
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