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  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    Jackson ms
  • Interests
    Traditional karate
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bhicks51388's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Yeah see I dont need but the legs to shrink maybe an inch or 2 to be just right and the sleeves on the jacket are just about perfect but I could handle an inch or 2 as well as stated above I've hot washed and dried it 3xs to try and shrink it down but nothing. I'm gonna wear it to class tonight and just roll the legs up a bit and try to break it in and soak it overnight in hot water and oxiclean which I do after every class. Luckily a friend of mine will hem it and put my patch on for me. Otherwise I would have to wait 2 weeks to get it done at a tailor. Hopefully after wearing it a few times and a few more washes it will shrink down where I need it and she can just put my patch on.
  2. Bulltahr even after 3 hot washes and hot dries it did not shrink at all the top fits perfectly but I'm gonna have to get the pants hemmed up. It's a beautiful gi and I'm looking forward to training in it I'll do a review on it after getting it tailored and using it a few times. I'll keep you guys posted.
  3. good evening here is my unboxing of the 10oz meijin tropical gi.
  4. No I didnt get embroidery but I will definately post a review on it soon it comes in today but I have class tonight so I'll have to really check it out tomorrow.
  5. Hello any tips on shrinking a dogi to fit without shrinking it too much 100% cotton?
  6. Hello this is my first post I ordered a meijin tropical gi from dragon tsunami and was curious if anyone else had this dogi and what they thought about it? Also if you could post a pic of it that would be great.
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