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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Wing Chun. Since 01
  • Location
    Great is the one who knows, but even greater is the one who knows where to ask....
  • Interests
    Computers and gung fu

WC-Strayder's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. Stay with Wing Chun, atleast for some years. You will see that a LOT of what they learn in jkd ARE wing chun. If you are of the MTV generation and want to be a "fighter" right a way, go for JKD. Or try both. It's your choise. You are just as "free" to use what ever you like in wing chun as you are in JKD after a while, but in both system you still need basics, the tools, to fight and if your wing chun school is allright I'll stick to that. Forget the footwork ala boxing, thats a sport fighting style and it consist of hopping up and down, a blind side, a strong/weak side and a strong/weak arm, none of it is good if self defence is what your after. In wing chun you will learn too use both your arms and both feets as strong, no matter if you are "right paw" og "south paw". So I say stick with Wing Chun.
  2. Don't do it! Then you end up with that mess of organizations TKD have, with bjj-itf, bjj-wtf, bjj,ttl, bjj-cmos and so on..... And I think any style is watered down when they comes to the olympiqe "grinder". They are just after the money they can earn from it and don't give a damm in the sport. No, stay out of it!
  3. That's true. Nothing else in this world is perfect just B-coz of that. Thats is why we live, get children and die. If we had lived forever our rase would be "perfekt", right, and no progression would be made. We had still been stoneage people if we where a "perfect" rase and the wheel is something we never invented, coz we where allready perfect.... . So keep on training more my friend and stop looking for perfect styles, coz there isn't any. Thats my advice..... (Do not mind the grammar, I'm from norway
  4. Yeah, but train all you can train anyway, coz you never know what you are up against in the street. He can pull you down as an accident, so learning how to get back up fast and how to escape IF he grapples you ain't a bad idea. I do not say learn grappling, but look in to the basics of it and learn some "knowhow" of it. Many socalled hotheads CAN fight and even more so, they have expiriense from real fights very often and know how they respond to fear..... Do you know how you respond to fear? They have often learned one, two or maybe tree techniques VERY vell and use those ALL the time and know how people react on those techniques....... And by streetfight I don't mean a after school brawl.....
  5. It took me.... ups, it took me 3 years just to get a yellow belt in wing chun.....
  6. The socalled "street figter" has very often trained on just a couple of techniqes and do them very vell. They "pick" there prey, so use your "beware" sences when your out, allways be prepared for everything! And never EVER underestimate anyone thinking you CAN fight SOOO much better than him or start the fight with, "Don't do it, I'm a black belt in (insert your style)". It will most of the times trigger them to "pick" on you with more power just to "crush" that "karateman" Or even worse, they draw a knife or a gun on you just to make "sure" they beat you. Don't say anything to anoy him, let his remarks on you or your girlfriend just pass you, he don't know you, just back out of it and if he attackes YOU will have the upper hand if he don't know you know how to fight. It is soooo easy to "pick" a fight with someone!. A drink or two under there belt and most guys are suddenly superman with an ego likewice! One insult about his look or his girlfriends look is enough to start a fight and this I know for a fact, coz I have started tons of trouble back in my younger days! People are so stupid when they are under influense of alcohol. They do things there never did if they where sober and ignite for nothing and are easy picks for the fightpickers out there. Do what I allways do when someone insults me or trying to pick a fight with me: Smile and invite the guy for a drink or maybe a beer. It is very hard to hit a smiling, friendly guy who shows calm and friendlyness where others are mad and angry.... Just my five cents..... (Sorry for the spelling, I'm, as you can read, not native american... indian? No, english..... )
  7. All of them are fine for steet fighting I think. I go for Wing Chun coz I don't know enough BJJ or TSD to say otherwice. It comes down to the fighter too, dosn't it?
  8. Here is more.... Look at the bottom of the page, diff styles, diff Wing Chun.. https://www.wck-media.co.uk/cgi-bin/wck.cgi
  9. Ok ok ok.... sorry, no need to be angry just B-coz someone don't agree 100% with you all the time and it is not nessesary they who had wrong... And I most say, videos like that are not fighting, it is adverticing!!! LOL "Make your everyday stance your fighting stance......" And that is just what you, me and everybody else should do! Forget goat stance, its just for training!
  10. I train under Sifu Garry McKenzie. Look at https://www.thewingchunschool.com for more info. I'm norwegian, so I train under the norwegian brand of his school, but it is exacly the same offcause!. https://www.wingchun.no In the first form we train standing in the goat stance for basic wing chun training. In the second form, Cham kiu, we train speed and movement and in the third form, bui ji, we train escape drills (I have not come to the third form yet ) And for fight stance we use wing chun stance ofcause!
  11. That goes for all styles I think, even MMA styles, but some styles, like aikido, takes even longer to make practical.....
  12. LOL. I'm a slow reader and you are a fast typer..... The goat stance makes it a lot easier to turn, to learn that well, but to fight with it? No way! OK, so you are from a diff branch of wing chun, good for you! I been training wing chun for two and a half year now and I've seen at least tree changes within the system(One with bong sao, we dropped quai sao(strike to the side of body) and one with the elbow (Point right down, not to the side after fx hyin sao), but my system is very street orientated, it is still from the Yip Ching branch, but I guess your right. There is a lot of diffrense, to bad wing chun isn't just wing chun, but there messed it up with politics to... But fighting in the goat stance I would like to see.... Would be an rather short match!
  13. NO, you can not learn MA just from a book! But it is not completly useless. You can learn theory and motivation from a book and I had learn some very usefull guidelines from books, but you can't learn a whole style from a book or two... thats not posible, sorry!
  14. But wing chun has it! You do not have to look elsewhere, coz it is there, in wing chun. I have two and a half year training in wing chun, (it is a little more street orientated I think that most traditional wing chun system, but the tree main techniques are tougth there to, just as in your wing chun. Taan sao, bong sao and fook sao, war style!), and I used to say this words too, but now I know that you don't have to look at other styles, Wing Chun has it all, you just have to find it for yourself or ask your sifu for it, but trust me on this: what the other styles has, so has wing chun! But on a simpler, more complete way! If your line of wing chun dosn't have the toe-in verson of the goat stance it is NOT wing chun, just a bad copy of it! How the he77 do you do Sil Nim Tao without that stance and IF you do, where are your rothing? OR don't you do that form either? Sorry pal, but without a propper stance your wing chun is just a very bad copy...... if you can call it a copy at all!!
  15. Me too. I was the one YOU guys fighting TOday in the past, an real a$$hule! if someone yelled "i*m a black belt in this and that" I was there to prove them wrong and man some of those black belts really couldn't fight there way out of an paperbag!!
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