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Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. long story short, standing by myself, outside a mall, three guys around 15 or 16 yrs old threw snowballs at me, swore at me , i approached them asked what the problem was, they asked if i wanted a fight. I elbowed the guy in front of me as soon as he said that. The other 2 people who were next to him just stepped back. than i left the scene. im 17 by the way, so it will be charged in juvenille court, if tried at all what would you have done?
  2. k there im not comparing my brawling experience, u think i've never fought on the street, u think all bjjs are all MMA ALL THE WAY? IM NOT SAYIN TMA ARE BAD THERE ARE GOOD ONES, BUT YOUR A TOOL
  3. obviously but that doesn't mean they're better at throwing, ur giving off that impression
  4. k your just being a tool, its not an opion though your regurgitating old myth that some tma guys made up
  5. at least a year before to begin to understand
  6. yes, him slapping you is a huge deal i would have attacked him right than and there, and people make fun of me all the time about martial arts, but only my close friends know. i decided to keep it that way because, even noone should know, about your martial arts training. i find its better to keep it a secret. it prevents things like" oh ya my friend is a bb he'll kick your ass" , this has happened to me before. you should make an example of this guy but do not provoke an attack if he slaps you than you can use what force you think is necessary to defend yourself. good luck
  7. we're talking about hundreds, maybe even one or two thousand years. gung fu is that old, now if you look at mma its new and it will be always be new, because it continues to evolve. when is it that you see a few kung fu masters coming up with new stuff almost never, because they practice their forms, that are centuries old and some of them are outdated and don't work, as we have seen in mma events. this is oppose to lets say bjj teachers who change and develop new stuff on a weekly basis and fifteen years from now mma will not be " ancient" because it isn't.
  8. i have seen hung gar, and its not bad and i have studied a little jujutsu and the jujutsu is probable better.
  9. stop trying to find holes in bjj, insulting and criticizing (in a bad way) the art, won't make you feel better about yourself and your innefective art forms.
  10. northern shaolin is very different, i know a master in the art. his website provides valuable info, here it is.. . lornebernard.com or that might not be the site, but look up sifu lorne bernard and the info will follow.
  11. i have been in about a dozen or so,
  12. helloo i had a few drinks so, im saying an experience i had,and tht my techniques can work when im drunk and how it all becomes natural reflexes. don't preach to me about respect for the arts.
  13. yes traditional jj is nice, i did it with my ninpo training. but thats in the past. ninpo is very...........no comment.
  14. i was at a party this weekend i had a few drinks,............. than a guy came and pushed me ......... i gave him a firemans carry(don't know the japanese name) than an omoplata, than i transitioned into an armbar and he tapped than his friend came and attacked me , .......i choked him out via rearnaked choke. just because he said bjj doesn't work against more than one person. well theres an example of where it did work. thoughts? opinions? p.s. I love being skilled in martial arts.
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