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Everything posted by ronpo

  1. What kind of attack have you encountered most often in a real-life sitation? I'm doing a bit of an informal poll to see if my experiences represent what you have encountered... Thanks in advance to all who participate.
  2. IMHO, the art of Aikido is system best taken after a student has already attained some level of proficiency in karate/tkd/kung fu/grappling et al. In my experience, when I got to the extent to where I could "see / sense / feel" attacks coming (i.e., I got my noggin popped enough times)... it was then I thought I was ready to take on the challenge of trying to actually control the attacker. When I studied aikido, I was put off by the many "advanced" aikido students -- especially some shodans -- who thought they knew it all. When we actually sparred, they realized the couldn't control attacks thrown in real-time. (Kenpo rocks... it's like a whirlwind coming that you don't expect). Anyway, that's my two cents worth...
  3. Hello out there... I didn't know this kind of site existed. It was a welcome surprise. I'm an older student (40+)... and have taken martial arts off and on since I was in my early 20's. I have kicked around with several styles: - moo duk kwan tang soo do (jae joon kim, detroit, mi) - wo pen xiao kenpo (lonnie merrit, oahu, hawaii) - kenpo 1st degree (gary williams, troy, mi --> spinoff of tracy kenpo) - aikido (i forget the sensei, he was all japan champ 1968) - kenpo / shootfighting (keith curts, tracy kenpo) I look forward to meeting you all... especially old farts like me who want to stay young!
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