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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Karate, Aikido, and Jujitsu
  • Location
    New York, New York USA
  • Interests
    Tiger Schulmann's Karate, Video Games, TV, Music, Internet, Sports
  • Occupation
    High School Student

GhOsCeLL's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Oh, and by the way, TJS said: "how do you know he has never talked smack to anyone ever? he obviously did something if he got his arm broken." ................................................................................................... I know that because I know Tiger Schulmann and he is a very good person. He would never do something like this. Yes, he obviously did do something to break his arm, it doesn't mean he got into a fight. Maybe he fell down...maybe he got into an accident...there are a million ways he could've broke his arm.
  2. Whatever, I don't care what anyone says. I love Tiger Schulmann's Karate, and I think that it is definetly one of the best martial art schools out there.
  3. NEVER! I got to Tiger Schulmann's Karate, and they teach you to have a NON-QUITING SPIRIT!
  4. Hey, listen, if the martial arts school next to your house is "Tiger Schulmann's Karate", then by all means, GO THERE, YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPOINTED! About Aikido or Judo, do whichever you want. They are both great fighting styles. Check them both out, see the classes, and decide which style is more useful to you.
  5. First, I would like to say that blitzcraig's signature is very inapropriate, and that it can hurt someone's feelings. Also, it can be said much better, such as: "you will never be good at something until you're good at it." And plus, you can learn some proper grammer while YOU'RE at it. You misspelled YOU'RE, because it's YOU'RE not YOUR.
  6. BOOYA! The men sure had it coming! I hate rapists, and think that every woman should know karate.
  7. I get what you're saying. It's just that people think karate is funny and always want everybody to prove that they are good. Also, they just want to see a cool move. With other subjects like art, or math, no one cares if you are better, because everybody just LOVES fights and love to see people get their butts-beat! yes...people are very stupid.
  8. The more styles you know, the better. TKD + Boxing is an excellent combination and very usefull. Boxing is great on the street.
  9. I agree, wrestling is a very powerful and effective style on the street. That is why I take it!
  10. Terry Bogard: well i cant watch the movie for some reason but it sounds like the guy was in a headlock and did a vertical suplex, is that right? ...................................................... No, he did a back drop.
  11. I take Tiger Schulmann's Karate, which is a combination of Karate, Aikido, and Jujitsu. I love TSK, so i guess Karate and Aikido are both great fighting styles.
  12. Hmmm, I have a lot of fav moves. My fav types of moves are takedowns! You know, like sweeps, grappling takedowns!
  13. Who washes their belt???? I never do.
  14. Hey guys you should really check out one of my fav MA movies, Bloodsport, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme.
  15. LOL! Damn, hey did you think of those on your own?? I don't think so, but if you did, you should seriously consider a career in comedy. Anywho, thanks again for the morning laugh.
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