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ahmad abou taleb

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Everything posted by ahmad abou taleb

  1. zuki:punch age zuki : rising punch awase zuki: narrow double fisted punch choku zuki:straight punch chudan zuki: mid-level punch gyaku zuki: reverse punch heiko zuki: parallel punch(morote zuki) hasami zuki: scissor strike jun zuki: step through punch kage zuki: hook punch kizami zuki: jabbling punch mawashi zuki: roundhouse punch oi punch:stepping punch ura zuki: close short punch, with inverted hand punch tate zuki: half reverse punch, with a vertical position yama zuki: wide double fisted strike shuto uchi: knife hand strike shuto hizo uchi: knife hand strike to the spleen shuto jodan uchi: inside knife hand to neck shuto sakotsu uchi: knife hand strike to clavicle shuto uchi komi: giving knife hand to sternum shuto yoko ganmen uchi: knife hand strike to head tettsui uch: hammer fist strike tettsui hasami uchi: hammer fist scissor strike tettsui yoko uchi: hammer fist strike sideways uraken uchi: back fist strike uraken hizo uchi: back fist strike to spleen uraken mawashi uchi: back fist circular strike to the head uraken sayu ganmen uchi:back fist strike to side mae empi: rising elbow strike mawashi empi: hook elbow strike ushiro empi: backward elbow strike yoko empi: side elbow strike otoshi empi: downward elbow strike nukite: spear hand strike ippon nukite: one finger strike nihon nukite:two finger strike hiraken uchi: fore knuckle fist ippon ken uchi: one knuckle fist nakada ken uchi: middle knuckle fist haishu uchi: back hand strike haito uchi: ridge hand strike kumade uchi: bear hand teisho uchi: palm heel strike washide uchi: eagle hand
  2. fudo dachi: rooted stance hachiji dachi: natural stance hangetsu dachi: half moon stance heiko dachi: basic stance(yoi dachi) heisoku dachi: informal attention stance kiba dachi: horse stance kokutsu dachi: back stance kosa datchi: cross legged stance musubi dachi: joining stance nekoashi dachi: cat stance renoji dachi: L stance sanchin dachi: hourglass stance shiko dachi: square stance tsuruashi dachi:crane stance zenkutsu dachi: front square
  3. with all my respect to you ! just in order to give the full true information to our friends, so I wanna correct some wrong information you gave my friend! First of all as an Kyokushin karate black belt(shodan 1dan) i advice you to choose the Kyokushin for it full contact, so it give you an advantage against other martial arts, for it's based on direct kick and punches to the body, in addition, it teaches you how to raise and moderate your endurance. Secondly, I just wanna talk about the competition parts! In both karate styles competition, we use the scoring system which is divided into 3 types of grades(yuko 1p, I'll Waza-ari 2p, and ippon 3p) I'll explain in detail the difference, and how to score. starting by Kyokushin it's prohibited to the player to punch the face so it will be considered as a foul, and we'll score point for every effective punch or kick, but kick in the head get scored as Ippon 3 points, and every throw to the ground is scored as a waza ari 2 points, and every effective punch is scored as yuko 1 point. in the other hand in Shotokan competition, it's permitted to punch or kick the face but it's prohibited to kick any kind of low kicks.also ippon is awarded when u kick the opponent head or u throw him to the ground. waza-ari is awarded when u kick a chudan kick(middle kick). and finally, yuko is awarded when u punch the opponent body or face! and i'll be posting a detailed article about Shotokan and another one about Kyokushin rules and competitions
  4. I just received my approved black belt from Japan! so I saw that what I wrote before was wrong! what is written on the black belt is your name in Japanese and on the other side it was written 国際空手道連盟 極真会館 which mean Kyokushinkaikan!
  5. hey ! I'm just asking if someone know what is wrote in the Kyokushin black belt! IKO 1 (国際罣逊連盟 極真会儲) is that what is wrote ?? and what does that mean ! also can we buy like those premium same black belts online?
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