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Everything posted by PhilExpat

  1. Im 53 and I just exercise - besides 2 times karate a week I do 2-3 timey gym - and I stretch a lot. And whats the problem in beeing not that flexible anymore if your technique is good ? I mean I dont get my legs that high in sidekick anymore, but I dont need to kick that guys guts when its same effective to go for his kneecap - right ?
  2. My question is a bit special - so please dont just post your usual channels. I know already some channels on YouTube as I look to learn especially Kata at home (Shorin-Ryu) BUT theres one thing that I miss is nearly all of them and that is SLOW MOTION ! I mean its nice if a brown or black belt can do a kata with speed and power - but hey for me as a pupil theres no chance to SEE the moves - how he moves his feet - legs - arms ... Do you know any teaching channels that have videos that playback in slowmotion - so one can see and understand the moves?
  3. Hi guys, Im the new one here now hehehe and let me short introduce me. Im a german and Im now 52 years - I moved to the philippines about 3 years ago and I now live in Cebu-City. I did some 3 years of Shotokan way back in germany when I was at university - but thats nearly 30 years ago now. Due to my career and lazyness (hehehe) after that I didnt do much sports at all - so for about 25 years I did no karate at all. Last year I then decided I try anew as I still like the movments and gymnastics it gives -plus the selfdefense wich is a point here in the philippines too. So I joined the hm public training here in Cebu that is done by sensai de la Rosa. I learned Shotokan but he teaches shorin-ryu - but after 25 years theres not much difference to notice for me. In germany I really learned the basics and I was happy that even after 25 years without doing anything my punches and kicks still work perfect - its still programmed in my brains and not lost. Ofcourse its now a bit more difficult - Im 52 now and not much trained - even after 1 year (2 times a week training) my progress is not very much - Im happy that I now memorise the katas needed for 7. kyu. Then its always around 30 degrees when training without fans or aircons - but what doesn't kill me hahaha I joined here now to exchange information - as training here isnt much organised. The moves are trained but not really explained how they are done and why. So I still benefit from my shotokan training.
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