Thanks for your speedy reply. WE are running the competition under WKF rules but my question really is whether we MUST used puzzle mats. It is only a local event and we understand that adhering to WKF rules relates to contest rules, scoring, etc.
We are planning a local championships for late this year and intended to use the judo mats from our sports centre dojo. Someone has told us that this is not permitted as WKF rules require us to use "puzzle" interlocking mats. Can anyone advise?
Thanks everyone for your responses. I am particularly interested in the scissors take-down (seen in judo and ju-justu as kani-basami or kane-sute). Is this ever taught in goju and if so when? Thanks
I am doing some research on goju-kai karate and am looking for a grading syllabus which sets out the techniques for each grade. Does anyone know where I might find one? Also, what is the key difference between goju-kai and goju-ryu? Thank you.
Can anyone point me to a grading syllabus for goju-kai. In particular, I am trying to find where (if at all) a leg throw - similar to kami basami - fits in. Many thanks