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Everything posted by oot_man

  1. One thing you can ask the parents if he or she is the same way in school? i have a simular case in my Dojang. She wont rank till she acts right!! peirod and she knows that. also ask the parents if they have check to see if the child has Attention Deficate Disorder. medication can help with the attention thing. I have had a student that was on riddlin he one night he didi not take it and well... that was is last night at my class. he has been the onluy one i have thrown out.
  2. Good Point Monkeygirl!! we do the same in my class. I always end in a correction with a positive note. With kids you have to very positive. also not on the supject here ut does anyone else besides me to the miro image method? exp.. "extend your right arm" when I tell them this I extend my left arm. this works great with kids! sometimes I do it so much, when I'm not in class, I cant tell my right from my left. LOL
  3. While there are comptitions there will always be Bias Judges! whether you see it or not. Its just a fact of tournments. I have been to tournys. to many to count, and have see my share of it. I have also seen MORE real!! fair judges then bias ones. I have also judged and do still compete and judge. I can honestly say that I am a fair one and would not do anything to dishonor my rank or dishonor my fellow Black Belts doing something that has no real bearing on life. tournys are great ! dont get me wrong. But tournys are not the reason I train! I think too much is put it to tourny training. People tend to rate an Instructor or style because of there tourny preformance! and not who or what they have do for there students or style! and your question to the belt thing.. I think it has to do with the amount of post you have put in!! Because I still have a white belt even though I'm a 2nd Dan Black Belt
  4. Ok this is my first post ever to this site!! What do Saddam and Little Miss Muffet have in common? They both have Kurds in there way!! How do you stop an Iraqie Tank? You shoot the guy pushing it!
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