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Everything posted by ahmed77

  1. hi people, any one got views on Aikido or Judo..!? , are they more effective than other martial arts like "muay thai" sometimes, as claimed.... I've been told it's good... for close combat fighting, but I thought that elbows, knees, head butts are more effective. Is it better to deal with opponents weight against him or the most dangerous parts of your own body!!?? Awaiting your views... _________________ -Ahmed.im [ This Message was edited by: ahmed77 on 2001-09-30 03:38 ] [ This Message was edited by: ahmed77 on 2001-09-30 03:47 ]
  2. memebers, i have really tried many martial arts and the more i learn is the more i develop, but the only thing i'm sure of is.."i never stop". after the furious muay thai, i have found some gap opn my schedule and thought of joining the art of "Aikido"...what art can enable an oldman to withstand and defeat powers of a bodybuilder, twice his size and weight, with what he claims "and most of us argue of it's existance"..Chi power, have never experienced a man getting rid of that strong grip, "chiken wing, hell lock or anything else, and the best part was that the attacker got it harder, and couldn't resist.. i had a demo. training and got really interested in the art that mproves the way you deal with ur own weight and balance throughout the fight...it's reall important "to ANY" martial artis to know the facts of weigh and c. of gravity of any object, specially himself..when u'r thrown with aikido, u kind of feel weightlessness for several moments, and ur brain works offline!!?? "I rated it as a great art, but to make use of it's amazing gifts and analytical skills for a martial artist" -Thank u _________________ -Ahmed.im [ This Message was edited by: ahmed77 on 2001-09-26 12:40 ]
  3. I was really happy to see your postings and wishings on my B'day. Guys, all my love and to you. your friend ahmed _____________________________ Haven't replied 4 long in the memory of the innocent, let's pray for those victims and let them all wait till we get to fight the guilty and destroy the evil _________________ -Ahmed.im [ This Message was edited by: ahmed77 on 2001-09-23 02:08 ]
  4. Thanks for u'r wshes, but any opinions you'd lke to give on the above message that i've stated!!?????? thank you [ This Message was edited by: ahmed77 on 2001-09-09 01:34 ]
  5. I'm out of this place..gone to Nepal, there an "international martial arts championship"..includes ctudents of karate and taekwondo as well, and I',m sendin this message from there!!..the fight is on 28th and we're on intensive training for the fight willing to show our best. "the fight will be on my Birthday"............20 years now and looking for more to come, hope so and for everyone else..I'll be back on 4th Oct. and on the 28th again of the next month (Oct.) there's the "Best of the Best" championship, I'll be using Kickboxing against Karatekas..what do you think will happen and who might win, heard that Karatekas have stong arms...but hope they get to know about our shins and the powerfull kicks...no knees or elbows allowed..??! poor we!! whenever we come close, can't control that knee to finish off!! or that elbow, I'm very concerned about that.. Ahmed _________________ -Ahmed.im [ This Message was edited by: ahmed77 on 2001-09-07 03:51 ]
  6. A great website, my and soon to be your favorite to... http://www.martial-arts.shoto.com
  7. Dear People, topic regarding wing chun was interesting and greatly appreciated viewer's opinions..wow! all that knowledge you had about that art that even somehow it made me find it again in books, that was great... I would like to ask, for the last few weeks whenever i enter this site..if I click on most Icons, it sends me directly to "Gay.com" what was wrong with it, can anyone tell!!!!????...shocked!!!!???
  8. Thanks Karateka..hope u join us too, mostly I post message to develop and get rid of few points that are beleived to be added in the modern ways of martial arts, "basics" and developing them, hope all martial artist appreciate the efforts, else I serve them till I die...truthfuly Your's Ahmed [ This Message was edited by: ahmed77 on 2001-09-04 03:18 ]
  9. Thanks, my question was specifies for one aimed reason, while yours takes up another root and topic, and mr. x, could ask in a third way of his own...i was talking about time, reality and facts, while you took up results and achievments point of view...after all still we aimed at the same tree, and picked different leaves...what i meant thank you
  10. Wing chun was also brough to the west by the legend "bruce lee", and people were really amazed by the swift movements of the leg, barely change in the position a fighter could dismantle his opponent going closer to the origin of the blow as the impact gets lowest, traping is of a great use in the art, and finally it conmsists the best chosen moves by the nan Ng Mui who was a shaolin, so the art was like the blend of the five animals.. but mostly in wing chun the following animals techniques were were preferably used which were "snake, white crane...for the offense", and "Tiger, Dragon...for defence". learning the art is not to dificult, wing chun learned -mastered- in a year, it might not take more than a year or two for anyone to master. finally i admire the art, which influenced jun fan gung fu, which is know known as "jeet kune do" which blends this great "blended" art with modern fighting techniques, like wetern boxing, fencing...and many more styles.. Thank you [ This Message was edited by: ahmed77 on 2001-09-03 01:56 ]
  11. Dear roko ..I think Bruce lee and if he was alive, would be at an age of a grandfather to jackie chan, and as we all really know "every period of time, has it's own heroes and conquerers".. back then it was Lee, at the present it's jackie chan, who knows about tomorrow, maybe Jet lee!! or it just might be you..!! Past, present..never should mix up, but help each other in making the unknown "future", and if somehow you have the ability to mix them up in one imagination, then.. congratulations my friend...'you've got a blended brain!' [ This Message was edited by: ahmed77 on 2001-09-02 10:56 ]
  12. I'm very much interested in the art of "Wing chun" kung-fu , and it's fascinating moves..does anyone here has any idea about the art..since we're all martial artists I'd like all of us have a little brief history about Wing Chun, it's part of shaolin kung-fu, and it's considered the most efficient one...barelly moving from your stance a fighter can manipulate his opponent simply and with no waste of time, or energy.
  13. Thanks for u'r wellcome, i hope u'll find good things in our discussions, and provide better opinions...thanks again. [ This Message was edited by: ahmed77 on 2001-09-02 10:28 ]
  14. I hope you'll get to discover more..then you'd really believe what you can do. unimaginable..I'd just want to say when you feel it, only then you get to believe...else it all remains theory!
  15. (new topic) Power of "Chi" the basic of martial arts, the question is, do you believe or not? Dear people nice to hear about the topic of "Chi", and i've found that some peopel agree and some disagree..recently i met a shaolin monk, was really impressed by his decency and phylosophy of life..talking about martial arts he really wanted to dmonstarate so he asked me to take a brick and smash it on his head! yes...ofcourse i won't but he insisted, took a deep breat and did it himself, what happened to his head was 'nothing' slight scratch on the skin surface.. something to remember always..that there are two powers in every simple person, the physical, and the mental...all that we use out of our brain in our lifes (6o yrs average) doesn't even reach 25% of the whole capacity. so imagine improving the power of your inner self and what results in might give you..there are many musclus in our body that are not controlled by us, but work just like it's been asked to...we never care to go and stop that cycle, that's the way we like it...it's a tough way and why should we go for it, friends the results of walking this way is tremendous, you get to know the real martial arts that's from your brain and heart and not by lifting leg for a kick, this sort of martial arts will vanish as i've seen people stepping down as soon they reach black belt (blah blah...dan) and they say that it's over..since when was it over!!?? "Chi" is not a word, it's a meaning..find it if you will, else if you don't have time to know it find people who posess it,yes you have a "Chi" too, only when u can fous on it, it's there in you when no one can touch you, except you, when you stand like a strong mountain against the negative forces you get to know better your inner self and inner strength, then my friend you'll like it.
  16. Hi people thanks for your kind wellcome, my first day in this place was really nice though i have to learn more about the buttons arround, well and moreover i liked the white belt attached next to my name! feels good. I had a very tough day, had a Kickboxing class and spent 3 hours practising, to come home and teach my two brothers who are advancing very fast. what are the basic thing in techniques in general..anyone could say (speed, power, and ....) your brain, how many of us know skills and beautifull kicks but really don't put them in action when fight begins, yes that's the answers after all it'll all depend on your brain, so theoretical practise of martial arts is necessary, and if you think about anyting regarding this topic, do put them in words..i and we all do appreciate each other's opinions, don't we..?? ahmed _________________ -Ahmed.im [ This Message was edited by: ahmed77 on 2001-08-31 11:47 ]
  17. Dear members, hi. my name is ahmed, belong to arabia, never been there.. braught up in martial arts comunity, have been learning taekwondo since 1994, and in 1998 started learning Jeet Kune Do, and ow added to them i'm all caught up in my days as i've taken, muay thai..everyday i have new thing to learn and every night new thing to develop. i'm balck belt, and i don't believe in it, i've beaten a guy of balck belt when i was blue in tkd. so i feel great even talking to white belters know their new experiences to the balck belt seniours exchanging ideas and tips, i've never backed up from a fight inmy life and feel that my blood containes ma cells. u'rs new and forever ahmed
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