Hi, so I teach a small class at a teen center with at-risk/high risk teens. The class has been going on for about a year. There is a very strong fight culture in the schools where I live. One of my students was attacked at school for accidentally bumping into a guy and later he saw said guy talking with friends after school (about him presumably), he rushed at them but a friend held him back (and then was punched in the face a couple times). I'm not sure how to go about disciplining him. He didn't start that first fight, but did go after the kid with the intention of fighting him later. It should also be noted that I don't really have much parent/guardian involvement with these kids, which can make discipline a little harder since they are teenagers and have figured out that I can't literally force them to do something. This student is a very dedicated student, who loves the class, but is also a teenage boy who well, does stupid teenager stuff. Also the class is really small right now, with maybe 4 kids on a good day. So if I ban him from sparring for a few weeks then it might limit the others for sparring. Any ideas? Sometimes it's really hard as a female to understand and get through to teenage boys...