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  • Martial Art(s)
    Ki Aikido
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    Ki Aikido

aikidokid's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. I agree it would be fun to experiment, and I will. I agree, and this was my very first post. We are all happy believing what we have seen and have done. I'm sorry you take it this way, as you will see from my previous posts, I have been enjoying the discussion and have had no intention of attacking you. I just don't understand why you are not prepared to take a look at things. It's just a comment, that's all. That's fine, I don't have a problem with your skeptisism. There are many who do. I can only talk of my practise.
  2. Yes I can most of the time, and I am only 4th dan. Those that are higher grade and who have practised longer than me can do it every time. thaiboxerken: You call me gulible, but by your own admission, all your evidence you talk about with regards to Ki being false, and all of the links you posted earlier are all you can go on. Other peoples words. You have no experience to talk of. Yes I know you think it's all 'trickery' but you haven't even experienced this 'trickery' first hand. In my mind that makes you gulible, because you believe other people unconditionally. No doubt you will come back with more negative comments, but are they your own, or what you have read somewhere?
  3. This is where you are totally wrong through lack of experience. Because you have not experienced it, you believe it not to be true. That is a closed mind if ever there was one. This is part of our practise. Like I said, go and watch a Ki Aikido lesson. A lot of people seem to think that it is easy to push over a large amount of people, but when asked if they have ever tried, I get no comment. It was 66 people actually. Why does that seem silly? Genuine question.
  4. The example I first described was different from this in two main ways, Firstly, all of the people lined up had their hands on the hips of the person in front of them Secondly, it was the one person pushing the 60 plus people. Drunken Monkey, I like your comments above. The Ki I practise and believe is not mystical. With practise, you know when somebody is going to attack you, even from behind, before their body moves in any way. The mind does rule the body. How can you hit somebody without your mind telling your body what to do first. Only when somebody has an illness does their body act any other way. You may not call this KI, but how can you explain this with 'body mechanics'?
  5. thaiboxerken, I can't get this link to work. Is it correct? http://www.wuweitaichi.com/photo-picnic.php I still can't understand, for $1000,000 your not interested in a little bit of investigation.
  6. You say I am wrong not to face the challenge, but you back away from this one. I was one of these 60+ students and believe me, I wanted to stay there. I was in the first ten and I could not stay there if that $1000,000 was offered to me. You give your explanation to this "trick". Have a go at this at your club using your explanation and let me know how you get on.
  7. With you, the glass is always half empty isn't it. Where is your sense of adventure? How would you explain that one elderly man could push over over 60 black belt, well coordinated students, lined up in a row, with one hand? Mere strength could not do this, or could you, or is this just another trick you don't want to see. It's hard to have a decent debate on any topic when the other person dismisses everything you say with out even taking time to thing about it.
  8. If the money you keep on about is so important to you, why don't you take a look at Ki Aikido. You may make yourself a millionaire. You seem to tell me I am a fool for not taking the challenge at the JREF site. Why not investigate, you may become very rich. Explain that one a bit more. I won't bother to give any examples yet, as whatever I describe would only be treated without any thought being given to it. Whatever I say you refuse to consider with an open mind.
  9. This is where you show your complete lack of knowledge about the subject. It's nothing to do with a warm fuzzy feeling. It is things that are practised on the mat that you would easily be able to see. You say you don't need to see 'tricks' as you know that's all they are. Why, whenever I suggest you go take a look, do you just dismiss it saying you have no need? Are you frightened to be shown that your 'beliefs' may be wrong? What happened to that open mind? Your comment above shows you don't know much about Ki. You are way off line here. I would like to know how you can make this out to be a cult. Well I think you do, no matter how much you don't seem to want to.
  10. Well that's true, but aren't many things this way also. You only know what you know about your art by what you have seen and what you have been told haven't you? How do you know they are tricks if you haven't been bothered to see them? Scientists tell us it should be impossible for the bee to fly, yet it does. Does that make the bee wrong to fly? Not true, I am asking you to take a look first hand to see if your oinion still holds. How do you know if you don't even look? Agreed. I have what I have seen and what I have been able to do. You put up a good arguement, even though I think we will never agree.
  11. I am talking from a more authoritative position than you on the subject as I went to study Ki Aikido and looked at what was being taught and how. (With that open, not gulible mind) Very poor arguement when you revert to insults really isn't it. I know, and I have challenged you to go and watch, or even take part in a Ki Aikido lesson. Let me know when you have. I think we are back where I first entered this thread.
  12. Read what I have said, not what you think I have said. Anyway, you have your opinion, and when you have taken a look at Ki Aikido, let me know, and then you can talk from a more authorititive position.
  13. Have you ever attended a Ki Aikido class? I would be interested in your opinion. As for the prize money, there are far more experienced practitioners of Ki than me. I don't know if they would be able to prove it or not, but I probably am not advanced enough yet, compared to some of the feats I have seen. Contrary to popular belief, money is not the be all and end all for everybody. I am comfortably off, although not a millionaire
  14. Why should I need to prove anything about Ki. I enjoy what I do, I have seen many amazing things, none of which you would believe. To be honest with you thaiboxerken, the one thing I ask from any new student is to come with an open mind. Obviously this is one quality you don't possess. That's your choice, not my problem.
  15. I can show you what I have been taught, what more would you expect me to be able to do? You say that because we can't necessarily prove to you that Ki doesn't exist, it doesn't. Can you prove it doesn't?
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