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David Wells

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David Wells's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. In the UK and I hear most US states a pre emptive strike is allowable if justified. You have to know the signs that pre empt an attack so you can justify it. There are other verbal thing that can be done to help with this...... I'm not willing to take the risk that his shot isnt gonna be good or that punch is a knife
  2. Yeah I try to diffuse the situation 1st.But if you wait for the other guy to get violent your still defensive (reacting) to what he does.You have to take control thats how you win thats how martial artists lose (some).Imagine he hits you first in the throat you cant really come back from that?
  3. they lose mostly because they are defensive.thinking about countering or blocking or sparring.Its about fighting offensively,Hit first hit fast hit furious.They get suckered then hit til they go down.The fight doesnt start squared off like a sparring match.Learn the signals when someones about to go physical and hit first,dont worry about what they are going to do to you,or how to counter.Do what the untrained guy does hit first and dont stop. Does anyone else fight offensively (not aggresive reactive)?
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