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Everything posted by Slab

  1. My instructors always warn me/our students against roundhouse kicks, just in the chance that the person who is attacking you is an experienced fighter. The reasoning is that the roundhouse telegraphs too much, and there are various counters, and things to do to stop one. So we tend to favor the "wheel-kick" where the knee comes forward, then you switch your hips to deliver. That being said, I think a low roundhouse to the knee or inside/outside of the leg works great in a pinch.
  2. I pretty much agree with all the other posts. One thing I love is the way that time flows with MA. Either when trying to remember all the things you did from class to class, or how in one moment you can be fighting for your life; pushing your limits, and making decisions within seconds, then five minutes later reviewing the anatomy of the body, slowing down and trying to remember all your previous movements.
  3. Hi all, I've been reading the forums for a while now, and thought I would get a username and attempt to contribute to the community.
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