Hello. I am a college student. I am conducting research for my senior project. My task: I am supposed to identify the behaviors and motivations of martial arts practitioners. I hope that some of you will be willing to answer a few questions below to help me understand participants involved in martial arts. If you feel that there is any other information that might be helpful, I would greatly appreciate your insight. There are no right or wrong answers, please answer the questions to the best of your ability. This information is confidential and will not be linked to you in any way. I am merely looking for insights and patterns within the community. Questions: (Thank you all for your time and willingness to help me!) 1) How did you first become interested in martial arts? 2) What discipline did you decide to practice? 3) Why did you choose that specific discipline over the other disciplines? 4) What is your skill level within your martial arts discipline? 5) What other things do you like to do? (When you're not in the gym/dojo, what else do you like to do with your time? This can be physical or nonphysical pass times) 6) What are the first 3 martial arts related brands that come to your mind. (FIRST, not BEST). 7) How do you decide what martial arts gear/equipment to get? (How do you select one type or brand over another?) Roughly how often to you buy new martial arts equipment? 9) Where do you get your equipment from? Is there a reason for this?