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bklynjames's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Sure, can you PM it to me..
  2. There is a series called Marco polo on netflix. In one part there is a character named one hundred eyes that is suppose to be a WuDang priest. Can anyone tell if he is doing WuDang Kung Fu?
  3. Yeah I think I lost sight of it all being all wrapped up in which style to choose. Here are the schools im looking at. Each teacher has a good pedigree. So if you know anything about any of them it would be greatly appreciated. I dont like searching for a new dojo to train at. Been to a few that didnt work out well for me. As for the days they all teach 3-4 times a week. I was spoiled with Aikido they had classes multiple times a day every day. These two I havent gone to see yet. http://www.budokaikarate.com/ http://fairlawndojo.com/ This school I went to go see and the teacher was fantastic. But he didnt have many adult students. Most came on the weekends only and were all dan level. Which is great but that left 1 to 2 students during the week. But then again it could be like a private lesson every week..!!! http://www.maywoodkarate.com/
  4. So I have been training in Aikido for well over a decade and would like to cross train in Karate. I have some reputable Goju Ryu and Shorin Ryu schools by my home, and was wondering if someone would be able to steer me to one and not the other and why? Please let me know if you need any other information. Thank you,
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