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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    KM, TKD, now ShorinRyu
  • Location
    Rocky Mts
  • Occupation

DavyKOTWF's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Got it. Thanks all. Can anyone guess who said, "You just wait. I'm going to be the biggest Chinese Star in the world." ?
  2. Thanks all. I just got back from this 'new to me' school. Yep, sensei said it was Kobayashi ! He also said the grand master or something now, is an about 95 year old man, who he hopes to meet next month in Japan. He may have said his name but it went over my head...That must have been Nakazato like ya'll said. I did catch, I think he was 10th degree??!!! Was I mistaken hearing that?
  3. Thanks for the vid...you wouldn't even begin to notice these things without the slow motion. Soooo fast. Some would be too slow to react to the feints. lol
  4. Thanks Montana - cool that you experienced that. I just finished some more searching on it, and it seems ryu means 'school' or 'way' or 'dragon' where as 'kan' means house. So still, maybe the same thing???
  5. IS there any differ or are they the same thing? I see on the net, talking about both.
  6. What is meant in entirety by "sweep the leg, no mercy" ?? Front kicks, front snap and roundhouse is mostly what we did.
  7. Next week will do my first kumite practice and every class from then on in my new 'style'. (I started all over again as a white belt) Should I lay back and just dodge everything, guage how he tries to strike, get a sense of his attacks and again dodge everything? THEN at some point throw in my own strike? Is this a good strategy? Thanks for any input.
  8. Most people that comment negatively on Krav Maga have not even tried it, not even for an hour. One of the biggest things that determines who wins a fight is their conditioning and how good a shape they're in. That's one huge thing that KM does - it gets you in shape. I've seen too many McDojo 'senseis' that have huge beer bellies...meaning they couldn't last 30 seconds in a real fight. The KM teacher I trained under was close to 50 years old and was fit as a fiddly, six pack stomach that he got from doing KM and was in better shape than most 20 year olds. In another 'style' I lasted 5 weeks, then quit because too much secret ninja stuff in there...for the entire 5 weeks we were practicing the 17 ways to get out of when someone tries to grab your wrist...we were on number 5 at the end of the five weeks. I guess when you learned the 17, you got your black belt, I don't know. Both new black belts had huge beer bellies and looked like the only exercise they got was running to the frig. Usually, most classes, we also practiced some George Dillman secret move that was designed to impress us. Just saying...
  9. We are definitely on the same page of your 2nd statement Luther. Thanks for that honest reply. I lived in Phx for 19 years. Is your school by any chance down there on 32nd St or Cave Creek Rd? Best wishes to you.
  10. Hello all. Looking at TSD - can anyone tell me what % is katas? thanks.
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