Hi there, I've been training in karate for about 7 years, the first 4 or 5 in Wado Ryu reaching 3rd kyu. I then moved and attended a Shotokan dojo, I wore a white belt until the sensei told meto wear my brown belt as he believed I was at 3rd kyu standard. I trained there for about 2 years and recieved my Shodan at 14 years old. I continued to train at that dojo for about 18 months until I moved again. I recently attended a new dojo of a different style of karate with a base in Shotokan. I was invitited to attend the first training wearing my black belt and training went well with the sensei and renshi both pleased with my skill level. Now the sensei is talking about sending the details of me and my previous sensei to his superiors and for them to decide what belt I will be allowed to wear. I was always told that a black belt could only be stripped by the sensei that graded you? I thought that they might just want to check that me and/or my sensei are legitimate, but my previous sensei is quite well known in my country and the renshi at this dojo trained and was even graded by him a few years ago. Do they have the right to make me wear a lower belt? Cheers