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Jae Hoon

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Tae Kwan Do, Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai
  • Location
    Garou: Mark of the Wolves (awesome fighting game)
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Training and Teaching
  • Website

Jae Hoon's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. hey whithers you fight just like i do! me likey
  2. texas, 17, i started TKD when i was 5 and am now a 2nd Dan black belt, i can test for 3rd in like half a year
  3. ju jutsu? you mean jiu jitsu? and that doesnt use weapons, well it does acually, something called your hands
  4. ehh, try throwing it up in the air while its spinning and then (it has to be spinning like a helecopter when it comes down and dont use a thick bo use a toothpick style) and catch it on your palm in the center and let it spin on your palm for a few seconds then grab it and stick it on the ground and wrap your foot and leg around it coming from the front and put a strait hand in front of your chest to end, thats a good combo for ending a kata, also how tall are you? you need one that is no more than about 3 inches diff from your hight, or a 6 foot if you are 5'6 - 6'3, try buying from either https://www.a1ma.com or get the one like i use from here http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/chiefwhi/myhomepage/ its incredible at spinning, and im really good at the bo and this helps me be even better, but i learn and practice most stuff with a bamboo because if i can do it on that i can do it on my carbon fiber bo
  5. i love bamboo, i use it for practicing and learning stuff with it (if i can do it on bamboo then i can do it on any bo basically) but for competition i use this bo http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/chiefwhi/myhomepage/
  6. meh, bo rules, too long? break it in half and you got double escrima
  7. get in there close and angle kick, he will fall to the ground then blood choke them, not too hard to beat a boxer but if you dont use kicks... they jab, jab, hook and your knocked out lol
  8. did i say i would "dominate" their federation? lol i said i would get triple crown in it to show how bad their style was and how they are only in it for the money, its really not hard to get a triple crown in their association, if peeps in their association can get triple crown world (note that its not really world its just like 5 dudes from korean ATA come over and get their butts kicked) then it would be easy for any other style to get it, and i know plenty of peeps who can do the kick that i can do, its not that amazing, just gymnastic practice and be able to do the splits, takes some good coordination and prcatice too though, but i will admit some of the adults in the ATA are pretty good, i know one that can do a 540 side kick. thats a hard kick, easy to pull stuff, also i just recently started doing my best kick again because i hurt myself badly doing it (landed on my head) once and so i was out for a while and try going to a tourney with open forums and stuff and watch some of the kung fu dudes, they do it alot it seems and you will see that lots of peeps can do it
  9. another thing, you cant consider ATA part of the TKD community since its a style of their own it is really Songham style not really a TKD also they dont let you do creative stuff, or stuff to music or do stuff outside of their association, also they are all for the money they dont peeps to have an advantage so they make them use their weapons in tournys and their sparring gear which is really stupid, you arent gonna get an advantage really, also they way overcharge on everything and have all these stupid things like Master Club, and you dont realize this till your a higher rank and you dont want to quit and have to start over (no dojo besides an ATA would respect an ATA belt, they laugh at them)
  10. i took ninjistu for a while, it taught some sword stuff and i imagine that the ninja and samurai sword styles are alot alike (my parents made me quit because i was being taught easy ways to kill and immobolize [break their bones and knock them out] them)
  11. those are like 3 inches long right? uhh why not just use your finger to stimulate the preasure points? isnt that what they are for? never really thought about them, always wondered what they were used for, although i was guessing that the spiked ones would be used for thrusts
  12. lol im just trying to prove that songham is no good, you try out the ATA and see what i mean, and i have gotten national already, lol and i have gotten world where i go too
  13. Muay Thai is the best martial arts, this is coming from a practitionor of TKD too, trust me, its been proven masters of every style have tried to beat the best of the best in Thailand and it cant be done (and dont go ever there and challenge them cuz WHEN you lose they might kill you)
  14. hey the sod, what forum are you in huh? they dont have belts in boxing and Muay Thai is a form of kickboxing (do they have belts in boxing? correct me if im wrong, but its not even a martial arts)
  15. lol you should try out the ATA see how bad their stuff is, they dont let you create any creativity or even try to make your kicks and stuff look good or anything, and this is the internet f00 grammar dont matter
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