I'm taking combat hapkido here in Tampa, and while I'm very new to martial arts (just recieved my first white-belt stripe tonight ) it does seem to be a very practical, all inclusive form of defensive fighting. But the focus is 95% on defensive tactics. Basically, every belt's requirements are a series of "attacks" that must be either broken (a turn-and-run approach, weapon disarming, etc) or turned against them (throws, joint locks, etc). It does seem very useful as far as "daily driving" is concerned, and it is a very stripped down MA: it's a no-bones-about-it defensive philosophy. We do practice some offensive strikes, knife hand, a few simple kicks (round, snap, side, back), but these are used for distraction or the "kill shot" after you've immobilized your opponent (or can sometimes be used in the middle of a technique). I'm enjoying it very much so far as my first martial art.. My instructor, a 4th Dan CH Master is _very_ fast and scary, but the nicest guy you will ever meet. Hugs and handshakes follow every practice. My only complaint is that I'd want to learn perhaps something a bit more offensive for those situations where the best defense is a good offense (perhaps in a 2v1 encounter or something). Helpful?