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  • Martial Art(s)
    Kenpo Karate
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126barnes's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. We do the same on the 3 and 6 attacker during the 3 shot combo. Power shot for the first creating space by driving back the attacker then fiollowing up with two shots as fast as possible.
  2. I'm familiar with the C-stepping; I've also heard it called "half-moon stepping." What do you mean when you say you "cut the corners off the turns?" I can't picture what you mean. We bring our feet back together under us before/during the turn instead of turning by swinging the leg from the previous position. So on the 1/4 turn on the opening attacker we would come back to a cat stance(without stopping in the cat stance) before moving into a back stance prior to the block & punch. On the 1/2 turn on attacker 2 and the 3/4 turn on attacker 4 our feet would almost touch as we turned. The cutting the corner comment is just something I say about the 3/4 turn. When in a back stance as you start the turn the back foot basically shoots by your front foot's heel in a straight line (on a 45 degree angle) to it's final position as the front foot after the turn, prior to engaging with the 4th attacker.
  3. Very similar to my Kenpo basic forms. We use this similar footwork with the same & different block strike combos. Only difference was the linear stepping, we use more in/out steps(C shaped) and cut the corners off the turns. Keeps your feet under you, protects groin and speeds up turns.
  4. If I had a White Gi, no telling what color it would be, let alone the kids'.
  5. Sorry I don't know all the terms, but I'm guess your talking about a back leg front kick. If your having balance issues, break the kick down in steps. Start by lifting the knee and return to starting position working just that part of the kick. Then start extending the foot by punching the kick forward and returning it to your starting position. After balance can be maintained during this motion start trusting the hips forward on the extension to increase power. Your kick should follow the same path back as it does forward. Up, out, back, down. Don't be to worried about power it will come once the kick is performed correctly.
  6. Just wondering why they wouldn't be allowed? I did notice a different style of glove used in WKA format. Thanks for the info in advance[/img]
  7. My kids grew out of century gear before the wore it out. But for myself I went with top ten. Got the competion head gear( more temple protection) and the 3000 series open hand gloves and kicks. No issues with 1-2 hrs/wk of sparring for 4 years. Gloves and kicks are leather. They did resently changed the chip strap on the helmets that I don't care for. Gear cost me $350 cdn, so a lot more than the dipped foam. Pretty sure there is a USA site as well, but might be worth a look at the Canadian site with the cdn $ @.72 US. I sure there is better gear out there, but this is what I got.
  8. wako just held the biannual world championships in Ireland which had the full contact, light contact and point divisions. No kicks to the legs but sweeps are ok. I think the wako muay & low kick was hosted by Serbia.
  9. Drop from 190 to 170 and maintain. Compete in a LC kickboxing event Improve right side forward sparring Solid year of training to put me on track for 2017 BB
  10. Makes him feel good and I enjoy spending the time in the dojo with him. But he gets me started on the new katas, before I start working with the senior guys. Congratulations on the promotion. Having your 12 year old teach you that stuff must be interesting!
  11. Managed to pass my brown belt test last night. So happy to have that finished prior to Christmas. Big thanks to all the guys that helped me prepare. My 12 yr old son all ready to teach me the new katas as he did at blue belt level. 23 months to make BB and achieve my goal of BB at 40.
  12. If I have missed the meaning of Bunkai, please ignore. We start application of kata, during green belt. At this point we would be learning our 8th and 9th katas, although 5 have the same footwork with different blocks/strikes. Here we would start working our first kata with attackers. We are required to present all kata with attackers for our next grading. I must say it was like learning the kata all over again and at the time wished we would of learned the kata with the attackers in the first place. Even thou we did receive verbal/physical explanation of what we are defending/attacking in the first place, at this point seemed inadequate. But thinking about it now, we all need time to learn a skill and somewhat become competent before having to apply that skill. This maybe would be a little overwhelming for young kids and some adults, many who don't take to conflict very well at this point. I think this or a similar approach is one way to really start accelerating the exponential curve of the art.
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