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Everything posted by Doire

  1. Thanks for the replies. Some interesting comments. JR 137 I practice shotokan Maybe when Im there a bit longer I will be trained in other things. Its tough on him though as the senior class is made up of a mixture of different belts. I suppose he is trying to accommodate everyone especially when grading isnt far away. Im going to stick at it though as he is such a good sensei and his passion keeps me attending his class
  2. Hi, I know Ive only taken up karate 5 months ago but the Dojo I joined seems to focus mostly on kata's. My passion would be for using it in the real world (I hope never to have to use it). I'd like to learn close combat techniques along with the blocks and kicks. I attend twice a week and the senior class is quite small (about 5 or 6). Of the students I'm the oldest while the others are teenagers so Im not sure if this determines the structure of what Im being taught? Is this how beginners start off? Thanks
  3. Thanks Patrick
  4. Congrats; well done and well deserved!! Feels good, huh? You'll improve in time!! Thank you. Yes its a great feeling. 3 months of hard work rewarded. We had a 74 year old from Japan doing the grading. I believe he is head of the Japanese Federation. I cant remember his name now unfortunately. His flexibility was out of this world and it was a real privilege to have been able to attend one of his training classes today
  5. Well I must have done something right as I passed my first grading today. The kick wasn't perfect but it was a big improvement before I had asked you guys for advice so thanks everyone. Im well please with myself today!
  6. Thanks everyone. Can I ask how often you guys stretch? My current routine is as follows Mon - weight lifting Tues - Karate Wed - AM weight lifting, PM stretching Thurs - Karate Fri - weight lifting Sat - AM stretching, PM cycling Sun - rest day Should I be stretching more? Its just getting the time to fit it in. This is the kick Im trying to achieve. Its called Yokogeri with side movements in Kibadachi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZWIp21639c&list=PLzuHdLebOQeKI32EqMx3guQEJhOvspWan&index=28
  7. Thanks everyone Some great advice there! I will be sure to follow it all up. My biggest problem was thinking I had to get the kick 100% perfect with good height and trying to get my kicking leg totally straight at point of 'contact' with the target. However as evident in the replies Im just going for my red belt so wont be expected to get it perfect! For stretching I do the following as shown in this video. Thanks again everyone
  8. Hi, Ive got my first grading next week. Ive only been doing karate 4 months. My side kick is proving difficult to master. When I attempt it I get pain in the hip on my standing leg. Also, I cant get my kicking leg to extend fully. My problem is I'm not very flexible (been doing stretches the past few weeks to try and improve this) and I'm 40! I sit at a desk all day for work which no doubt affects my flexibility Can anyone offer any advice to improve my side kick? Thanks for any help
  9. Hi everyone. Just thought I'd join the forum as it looks great and full of fantastic info. In February I had to give up the gym for a while due to a shoulder injury (just started back at the gym last week). The injury dragged on and on and I wanted to keep my fitness up so something told me to join my local karate club which I did in May. Im loving it! Its not a big club but the Sensei is so enthusiastic and it keeps all his students motivated Now my first grading is next week Im feeling confident except for my side kick (I'll post about this in the main forum). Im 40 by the way so a late starter lol Thats all from me. Thanks Paul
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