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  • Martial Art(s)
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splinter's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. thanks for a warm welcome
  2. can any one give me some advanced tricks to do with a bo staff i have never learnt how to use it oproperly it came to me through smacking poles and spining round bars as a weapon when i was young i still practice it today but was wondering if anyone has any advanced tricks to show me walkthrough of it would be nice aswell.. i have been using a 5'1" solid broom handle as my staff for the record
  3. http://www.playwell.co.uk sell those keychains
  4. try searching for Fumio Demura some good martial arts books sai tonfa bo
  5. this site is where my friend got his sai's it's a good site online ordering belive they have some shops dotted around thinks theres one in london go through the site http://www.playwell.co.uk
  6. hi im splinter i took an intrest into owinoken(sp) arts ever since my friend got a pair of sai's i'm pretty bad on them but when i was young playing with sticks was fun and as i grew older i learn't how to swing it like a weapon and do some small tricks i watch a hell of a lot of martial arts movies!, practice meditation and have a small spiritual side i practice some tai chi so thats me
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