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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    Oslo, Norway, Europe.
  • Interests
    Martial Arts, Movies
  • Occupation

Anzie's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Don't say *, 'cus * is a bad word, and bad words like * is something you should stay the * out off!
  2. I'm under Shooters International (Shootfighting that is). But I won't be skilled enough to compete before a year or so
  3. I have my own way; Hold your hands together, and squeeze your arms (the "sharp" side of your arms) against his larynx. He will then push his head away from you to ease the pain. Then you shoot your nearest leg over his neck and force him down to the ground. Works for me at least
  4. If you can get your elbows on the inside of his thighs and push, I promise you he'll release his hold
  5. I haven't found other posts equal to this one, so here goes; What is the differences between these two? Anyone in your opinions that would be more realistic for modern self defence on the street? Thanks!
  6. Thanks for great replies! I'm gonna train at a place in Oslo (Norway) called the Mixed Martial Arts Senter... If that told you anything
  7. My knowledge in the martial arts is rather limited, however I'll give it a try; Krav Maga Kyokushin Shootfighting ( ) Muay Thai Jeet Kune Do Wing Chun Running A cell-phone with Vitor Belfort in the end Hapkido
  8. As long as Shootfighting will help me in self defence, I hope to get some of that too.
  9. As stated above, I'm only into Shootfighting competition And sadly, there are no BJJ-clubs in my area.
  10. I wasn't sure wether to post this on the karateforums, muay thai forums or new to martial arts-forums, so I posted it here. Please put it another place if this ain't the one Very well, over to my question: I have the choice between chosing Krav Maga, Kyokushin or Muay Thai in addition to my shootfighting. What would do me best? For self defence? For competition(Shootfighting competition)? Etcetera. Thanks for any replies.
  11. I've never tried out BJJ, but I believe it has alot of self defence standing against grapplingmoves like bearhugs and chokes. As always, it depends on the school and the best and only(?) way to find out is to call the club and ask. (BTW, I've read Royce Gracie and Charles Gracie + Kid Peligro's book about self defence. I reckon there are some techniques dere equal to BJJ's, and they are highly effective most of them)
  12. What is "true striking" broomhilda? And yes, throws can be devastating. Especially those where you land on your neck, can kill you. And I saw.. dont remember who it was, was on the UFC Hits vol1.. anyway, I saw this dude being picked up, thrown down so he passed out. Darn effective if you ask me.
  13. It would help you in some aspects, in others it wouldn't. I know it's very different at every school, but most judo schools doesn't learn punches and kicks. This means that it would be hard for you to block punches and kicks for self defence. However, judo has its share of releases of chokes and grappling, which could prove VERY useful. If any judoka knows better, please correct me
  14. Speaking of the triangle, if you're pushing the head down to your peewee (that angle, yes) while your pushing your hips up, it should do the trick. (AFAIK)
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