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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Wado Ryu
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OrthoPeach's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I am a purple belt trying desperately to grade for brown. I have been training altogether for around 15 years with big gaps (and club changes) inbetween. I've finally come back to karate after another 4 year gap and was able to retain my purple belt. However, I'm starting to think I'll never gain my next belt! Basics I'm ok with. Kata (Kushanku) I'm ok with (it's not great but I know how to make it better, it will just take practice). Ohyo and Kihon will take work but I'm not overly concerned about ... Yakusoku however is like a brick wall to me. I just can't seem to improvise my own defenses on the spot like is required. Fighting does not come naturally to me so already instinct is against me - how do I get over this?? I just seem to freeze whenever an attack comes at me.
  2. Hi guys, I'm currently wearing a lightweight size 5 Gi but it comes open all the time and I spend all my time fidgeting trying to readjust my top, it's so distracting! I'm around 5ft 10in (around 178cm) and weigh around 69kg. I'm considering buying http://www.amazon.co.uk/ADIDAS-Elite-Karate-Uniform-Suit/dp/B00E5E7SXO/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1442073599&sr=8-3&keywords=adidas+karate+suit but don't want anything too heavy ... Any recommendations?
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