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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan, Tai-Chi
  • Location
    Florida, USA
  • Interests
    SCUBA, skydiving, kayaking, Star Trek

DemXanth's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. It's inappropriate for an instructor to be flirting with students. You might point this out to them. Instructors should know better than to compromize the teacher student relationship. If they are junior instructors and the problem persists, you might need to say something to the head instructor, but I would only use that as a last resort. If he does need to speak to them make sure he only addresses the issue in general terms and makes sure not to mention any specific people.
  2. Man, I love sparring. Do the people in your dojo have good control of their technique? Maybe people need to start out a little slower with people just starting. How much prearranged sparring do you do. Working on prearranged sparring will get them used to sparring in a controled situation and you can work up to free sparring. I always loved sparring to begin with but I guess there may be people not as comfortable with it. Maybe even some of the guys arn't comfortable with it but are afraid of looking like wusses.
  3. No problem kaju. It's easy to forget over the internet when you're looking at a computer screen that you're actually talking to other people. I do agree that's it's harder to learn to heal than it is to hurt someone. My sifu's only a few months from finishing getting a degree in acupuncture and I think it's so cool that he actually has medical training. hey theswarm, I haven't actually trained in kung-fu. I had 7 years of shotokan and am thinking about taking kung-fu. Right now I'm just taking tai-chi from my sifu because he teaches at the gym I go to, but he has his own school and when I get the money and get in shape I might try kung-fu. He teaches San Bao Pai which is a mixture of northern praying mantis, choy lay fut, and hung gar.
  4. Wow, someone sure has a chip on his shoulder. Why do you feel the need to be so hateful to the other posters kaju? Do you think that your sifu would approve of your post? Is it the sort of thing that he would post? Next time before you post you need to take a few deep breaths, calm down, and realize that there are other real breathing human beings you are responding to in these forums. You would never talk to someone like that in person and I don't understand why people think its ok to be as hateful as they want as long as they don't see the other persons face. Try pretending that your sifu knows your screen name and will be reading your post, and see if you still feel comfortable with what you've written.
  5. Anyone who thinks kung-fu doesn't teach you to fight should try sparring my tai-chi instructor, who also teaches kung-fu. He's so quick that if he didn't actually make contact on his strikes, I'm not sure I'd have even known they were there. I trained in shotokan for 7 years and I'm not used to someone being so fast. I'm just glad he had good control of his technique because some of his attacks would have been brutal if he wasn't pulling his strikes. I think it would be neat for people of different styles to get chances to spar together more often so you don't get into the habit of expecting the same type of attacks all the time. Also, as theswarm pointed out, not everybody trains for self defense. Why waste so much time training just for self defense when there's a good chance you'll never even need it. I've never been in a fight before and hope to never get into one. There are many reasons to train in a martial art and to me, self defense is really low on the list.
  6. Maybe it's several different instructors just trying to make use of the space. Most dojos probably spend a lot of time not being used so it would make sense to have several people using the facility. If there are different instructors for the classes I wouldn't worry, but if the same instructors teach all the classes I would think that was a little strange. Do they want you to sign a contract? If not you could just sign up for a month and see what you think. I would never sign a contract, usually it's a bad sign if the want you to do that, if they have to force people to pay even after they dicide they don't like training there, I wouldn't trust the place. They don't have to provide quality instruction if you don't have the option of quiting.
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