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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Qwan ki Do
  • Location
    easten Europe-Romania, Constanta
  • Interests
    martialarts , motorcycling , reading, making new friends
  • Occupation
    medicine student
  • Website

cioGium's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. i think to many peoples think that it is the style that do the job but it is not like that! IT IS THE MAN BEHIND IT!! you think that if the gracies won some fights(i think they were many ) their style is perfect?? this is like sayig that all aikidoka have all the abillities of The great O-sensei or that all kiokushin karateka will go mad in a corrida and kill all the bulls as MasOyama and the examples may continue . But all this guys have something in comun : they all trained and some are still training hard, very hard - O-sensey was known for perfecting a single tehnique for years , the great Kimura of judo was known for perfecting his unbeatable o-soto-gari against trees, masOyama for killing bulls(this is a bit controversy) and crushing stones with his bare hands and the examples may continue . So i think that saying : if you want to beat a bjj you must learn bjj is wrong . As the bjj is learning how to get u to the ground u can lern how to kick him hard or pivote around him as he makes his move.
  2. I was wandering if anyone here is studying Qwan Ki Do ?? Am i the only one? p.s. it is a chino-vietnamese kung fu
  3. when you say : it lacks submissions and it wont work!!!??!?!??!? o yes?? Put it this way-when you crash from a throw you won't hit the ring platform but ussualy concreate, earth with some rocks and maybe you will fall right on your head ...................maybe you must wake up the guy and put him in an arm bar!! All say that BJJ is beter then judo because has better ground work but every time a judo guy meats the BJJ one the shit hit's the ground HARD! if it wasn't in the ring will you get up that easy? when helio Gracie fought with Kimura he was thrown thru the air several times but the ring floor was soft and sweet !!! I watch at TV greco -roman wrestling and those guys have some devastating throws and takedowns ........if it wasn't for the mat GOD knows they all be injured seriouslly! forgive my english , it sucks!
  4. I am 0 cap in Qwan Ki Do that equals white belt , been training for 14 months.
  5. i train monday tuesday thursday friday saturday in Qwan Ki Do from 19.30 -21.00 monday wednesday from 1700.1900 judo i also go to school in the mornings.
  6. I have just started judo and all i can say is wohaaa!! i love it ! I've been looking for a club for quite some time but found just one that was only for proffesional judo(performance club-i am 23 years old so i was not welcome).....but then i found out that in a military-marine institute they have a club too-so there i was the next day joining in! Not only that they welcome me with warm but they also gave me a gi to wear until i will buy one. I also train in qwan ki do which is a stand up fighting martial art that also incorporates lots of joint locks and throws but no ground work so that's way istarted judo ! Just wanted to share this with you all and say hi !! p.s. yesterday learned o goshi
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