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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    JKA Shotokan
  • Location
    Melb, Australia
  • Interests
    Karate, Camping, Photography

crash76's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I think i will stick with the excel spreadsheet then! I have it set up that I print out the monthly sheet of students, and enter their attendance at the end of each month. Just needs some more work to get the total attendance each month, but its free i guess! Thanks for the advice.
  2. Hi, does anyone know how to make a home made kick/strike shield? Many many years ago as a kid, I remember using some white foam with a belt wrapped around it to make a cross. Anyone have any knowledge of how to make these, as they seem cheap and easy to make and can be softer on the kids knuckles than some of the more vinyl type of shields. Thanks
  3. Hi, I am running a small school, and looking for a way to track attendance and membership details. I don't particularly want to spend money on a product, unless its only a small amount (as in $10 a month!) or a one off fee. I currently just use excel with the names down one side, and the Mon and Fri classes across the top and print this out each month. I'm hoping for more of a access database or similar that i can just go to the class date (easily) and then select each member that was in that class. Googling karate databases turns up waaaay to many to go through, and most are out of my price range. I currently only have 18 students, and will most likely only ever get to about 50 (if ever). Not after student check in via an app, or anything like that. Any suggestions? Thanks
  4. Love Kihon. As my Shihan has said, Easy to learn, very difficult to master! Every class it doesnt matter which grade you are, you will ALWAYS get picked up and corrected on some part of your kihon. Just when you think you know your kihon, you get told something that changes your thinking completley, and kihon takes on a whole different meaning. love it.
  5. was thing the sort of thing you were after? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__M5QXM9_QE
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