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  • Martial Art(s)
    Judo, Ninpo, looking for something new
  • Location
    Idaho Falls
  • Interests
    military history, the Force
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dark_adjudication's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Same situation in Judo. As he muscles me onto my back I executed a lapel choke. Grab both lapels of his gi and pull down on one side, straight-arm the other side up, across his throat. His weight will intensify the choke.
  2. Chi, Ki and Prana are just word and have whatever meaning we give them. Chi being real or not all depends on how you define it. Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, in his book “The Root of Chinese Chi Kung” defines Chi as “any type of energy that is able to demonstrate power and strength. The energy can be electricity, magnetism, heat or light.” He goes on to say that most people have too narrow a definition of Chi. He lists some examples of some of the kinds of Chi as follows. Diann Chi- electric power Reh Chi- heat Ren Chi- the body energy of a living person Jeng Chi- the spiritual strength to do good Chi Shyh- the moral of an army Goe Chi- ghost Chi Tian Chi- Heavenly Chi Hwo Chi- the energy of living things Chi is energy itself and can be used to describe the state of the energy. By this definition Chi is real and is easily proven. Chi can be wacking someone up side the head, talking your way out of a fight or the sensations you get in your body when meditating. If you live a couple of doors down from what most of us call reality, Chi as you define it probably doesn’t exist. (either watched too much DBZ or played too much D&D…) About the only way you can argue with this is if you dispute the fact that kinetic, electric, heat and light energy exist… Good luck! Check out the book. It’s a bit thick but has lots of good info.
  3. Most fighters keep their chins tucked when they fight naturaly. Nature has a reason for doing what it does. I would suggest avoiding getting hit in the throat if at all possible. If you think it will kill you or not...
  4. Chi, Ki and Prana are just word and have whatever meaning we give them. Chi being real or not all depends on how you define it. Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, in his book “The Root of Chinese Chi Kung” defines Chi as “any type of energy that is able to demonstrate power and strength. The energy can be electricity, magnetism, heat or light.” He goes on to say that most people have too narrow a definition of Chi. He lists some examples of some of the kinds of Chi as follows. Diann Chi- electric power Reh Chi- heat Ren Chi- the body energy of a living person Jeng Chi- the spiritual strength to do good Chi Shyh- the moral of an army Goe Chi- ghost Chi Tian Chi- Heavenly Chi Hwo Chi- the energy of living things Chi is energy itself and can be used to describe the state of the energy. By this definition Chi is real and is easily proven. Chi can be wacking someone up side the head, talking your way out of a fight or the sensations you get in your body when meditating. If you live a couple of doors down from what most of us call reality, Chi as you define it probably doesn’t exist. (either watched too much DBZ or played too much D&D…) About the only way you can argue with this is if you dispute the fact that kinetic, electric, heat and light energy exist… Good luck! Check out the book. It’s a bit thick but has lots of good info.
  5. M.S.S. at the Death Star........ http://www.welovetheiraqiinformationminister.com/mss_history.html
  6. Check out this link... It's a riot! http://www.welovetheiraqiinformationminister.com/
  7. Any black gi will do. In a traditional (most) school that is the only color. Add the Tabi foot things and your a ninja. By the way, real Ninja don't wear the hoods. Get as heavy a gi as possible if the school does a lot of grappeling.
  8. The military packs have quick release tabs on them. You ditch them the second the fighting starts. Budo Taijitsu rocks! They have kata but the kata are very short.
  9. In shotokan we did a lot of conditioning. In Judo the training itself was enought to get you in shape. My Ninjitsu school focused on training and the instructor made it clear that we were to get in shape on our own time.
  10. My understanding of Capoeira is that the African slaves in Brazil were not allowed to practice their MA. For self-defense they incorporated the techniques into dance to hide the fact that they were doing MA. If a CapoeiraKa kicked someone's butt in public while dancing that would let the cat out of the bag and the local authorities would crack down on those who practice. Like when the USA occupied Japan in WWII we outlawed the practice of Judo and Jujitsu because they were military techniques. We saw the Karate practitioners and left them alone thinking that it was a form of dance(they didn't spar back then). I would assume that the dances are like kata, containing a whole range of techniques. In the interest of conserving energy and focus on destroying the enemy one would not dance around in a street fight. That would be just as stupid as doing a kata in a street fight. Any non-moron would just use what techniques were appropriate to the situation. I saw that Brandon Lee move where he taught Capoeira to high school kids in Miami( I don't rember the name of the movie). I would think that anyone who danced in a fight like Brandon did would get their butt handed to them.
  11. Is Chow Yun Fat trying to be a Jacke Chan knock-off, teaming up with an American goofball? It may be funny but I'm not going to risk paying $7 for it at the theater without some reviews. If anyone sees it let me know how it is... By the way, what style does he do? It looks cool, what ever it is...
  12. Personally, I won't train under anyone who makes their living off martial arts. I want an instructor who teaches because they love it, not to make a buck. I have always gone with a MA offered at the local college or YMCA. Those guys just make enough to pay the rent and maybe some training with their instructor.
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