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Lucidartist's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I don't know the plot of the new movie but Neo would make a great lucid dreamer. The scene where he fights Lawrence fishburn in the dojo is very similar to what you can expect in a lucid fight. You really are just fighting against your own minds barriers.
  2. Your meditation is leading to whats called a W.I.L.D (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream) Chi Sai, its not that easy for most people to achieve. Basically it is the holy grail of most lucid dreamers, as it means you can just sit down relax your mind in a certain way, and enter a lucid dream. You shouldn't worry about your breathing Chi, your body will take care of that it only seems like your not breathing. I'm normally blind for a few seconds after I WILD.
  3. Its taken sometime but I've expanded my regular lucid dreaming website to include a Dojo where martial artists can train in lucid dream time. Fo those not aware of lucid dreaming its where your sleeping mind becomes awake in your dream but your body remains paraylised. Your mind recreates the reality of the dream you were having and then you can run round and interact with that dream as if it were a copy of reality. http://mysite.freeserve.com/LucidDojo/Luciddojo.htm this is the homepage of the dojo that you can force your mind to conjure up in order to practice in and fight opponents. I beleive martial artists are going to be really good at lucid dreaming due to many factors. Does anyone else here lucid dream anyway? BTW the dojo is based on my real life dojo, pictures of which can be seen on the links page.
  4. Yes although the people who train me have a lot of tech to offer and would always tell you hard practice is key they do say that superior spirit can tip a fight in your favour. I think its just that spirit encompasses so much else, if your unsure of your tech your going to be uncertain and your spirit will suffer. I don't think it just means going crazy and having stamina its masses more.
  5. I agree with Martial_Artists view on the question in the main but would say spirit is vastly important and I think spirit encompasses many of the things said about hard training etc. I don't know how I'd honestly react to a life threatening situation in the street but I do know I get trained twice a week to deal with it. The main black belt sensi at my dojo has over 30 years experience in GoJo 20 in white crane and 15 thai chi add to that years on nightclubs doors and his security work for the royal mail. With him you get so many things training to better your tech and your art and conditioning your body to take and give blows and improve your fighting spirit being a few key ones. I really don't know what hitting a person full bore would be like (and I'd rather not really find out) but I know what hitting a solid oak makewara (sp) is like so I know the shock and pain of that and have learnt to disreguard it. I also can't truely tell if I'd feel all the impediments Martial_Artist mentioned in a real fight but I've been pushed to my limits in training. Had to fight when I'd been pushed so far my technique fell apart and I just had to rely on grit and the dregs of aggression. We never pull our punches just always make sure we get out of the way. The 2nd black belt is a bit like a sargent major and just snaps to make everything feel real, pushing you and shouting at the top of his voice in your face. If I face something tougher in the real world it going to be very hard so I hope I never have to.
  6. He is DokterVet, not a person you want to meet down a dark ally, he is one of those men that can carry on a fight after broken fingers, toes, ribs etc like he did in some of those fight records. I don't believe that the greatest martial artists have to be the toughest nuts on the planet..... but it helps.
  7. Paddy Doyle http://www.raf.mod.uk/rafactive/jpgs/Record01-ed6.jpg Prehaps not very well known martial artist but he deserves to be, all round extream hard man. Always been a brawler (but a good one, not a bully), judo from aged 7, then boxer, then karate (not sure of his dan grade) also holds black belts in other martial arts. Was a british Para (ultra hard airborn combat group ((the SAS are para's with brains, errr no offence Paddy or any other paras)) but was thrown out for being too violent. Started to get into breaking records some of which I'll list here, (you won't belive some of these) 4,100 push ups with a 50 lb [22.68 kg] plate weight on his back approx 15 a minuite!! 8,794 one-armed pressups in 5 hours: 5,000 situps with a 50 lb plate weight in 5 hrs!! 1 mile with a 40 lb weight in a backpack 6:56 min!! Full contact karate monthly sparring record: 467 full contact rounds (in 23 days) World United Martial Arts Association Warlords 100 man Kumite: 131 rounds against black belts and black belt dan grade instructors (2 minute rounds and 1 minute rest breaks) fastest 110-man kumite karate: defeated 110 opponents in full-contact rounds in 3:08 min he has far too many records to list they are on this page http://www.recordholders.org/en/records/doyle.html His homepage http://www.stamina4life.co.uk/ To put it into perspective how many of the 37,350 Push-ups in 24 hours could you do?
  8. Thanks jjf, I forgot to mention that they have to be dead? I don't know who most of them are can you tell me if they are alive?
  9. I need to find a website that has images of masters from all martial styles (founding members etc) I have had a look on the web but can'rt seem to find a good website, can anyone suggest one? Also I need to find photos of martial artists who would not object to there photos being used on a website (either fighting or standing but in fighting gear). Does antone have some good images? or know of a place that has some, I would of course ask the webmasters of the sites for their permission? Thanks if you can help
  10. Hi there all I'm registering to post round here mainly as I need to find out some specific info but I've had a scan around and I might get involved with some threads. I'm a green belt in GoJu karate something that I find extreamly tough but very rewarding.
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