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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Karate, Wu Shu(Kung-Fu), Tai Chi, Hapkido
  • Location
    Tallinn, Estonia
  • Interests
    martial arts, karate, Japanese Calligraphy, poems, languages, archeology, different cultures, travelling, wild adventures, sword fighting, art,
  • Occupation
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mArTiAl_GiRl's Achievements

Purple Belt

Purple Belt (6/10)



  1. I practised Karate for 4 years and then became interested in Kung Fu. So, I'm doing Wu Shu now (I'm 16), AND I LOVE IT!!!! God how I love Martial Arts. I just cant live without it, without fighting and practising internal arts (I'm very much into spirituality). I'm doing Tai Chi too (I need it cuz my health is not that good), under the same master/Sifu). lol, I've been like this since I was born, I remember how I used to fight with my aunt's bf on the couch. He said: "*! she's a dangerous kid!". God how I hate it when people say "she shouldn't do kung-fu she's a girl!!". It REALLY ticks me off. Like...duhh, why can't girls do martial arts too? I think it's so stupid to make differences between genders on what they should do and what not, hey it's the same like: "omg he's a guy he shouldn't do ballett!" LOL We're all humans, just let people do what they love and want.
  2. Hey, you just described my dojo! hahaha! same here! That's EXACTLY how my dojo looks like.
  3. lol.. how ironic.. one of my favorite names is actually Jeanne.
  4. hey, "Forever Young"! a song from one of my favorite goups, Alphaville! cool...
  5. "Ninjutsu is silly. It's a bunch of silly people trying to base a martial art off of romantic mythos feudal Japan. In reality, Ninjas were anyone that trained in fighting systems illegally in feudal japan. They were not people that had supernatural powers and fought in black pajamas." "OKayyyyyyyy. What comics are you reading? " hahahahahahaha!!
  6. Yeah.. Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan are great. But also Jet Lee. I love martial arts movies!
  7. Yep! They make dandy pets! We don't name the tornadoes, though. Just rope 'em, ride 'em, and send 'em on up th' alley! HAHAHAHA!
  8. Hmmm.. that's interesting... and to be honest, I actually like the way how it was in the old days more than nowadays. Here's an example: some disciples think they can just go to the Sensei and ask: 'Hey, can you teach me Chatanyara Kushanku?'. If a disciple asked that from an old master who's used to train like in the old days, the master would not like that kind of a question and say: 'Go and practice some basics instead'. See? It can lead to conceit. Everyone wants to be the best, right? But if students compete like that, it's no good, cuz people forget the true sense of martial arts. A disciple should train basic techniques until she/he has mastered them, and THEN the master will teach him/her that big, cool and difficult kata by himself. I think it is good to learn new skills from different masters, because later on you can combine them, and try by yourself how affective a technique is compared to another. My Sensei is vietnamese. He was a very young kid when he learned kung-fu. And kung-fu makes a person strong and gives a really good health. And then he learned Tai Chi.So he also learned the softer way of the martial arts. He combined them both, using both like '2 in 1' every training, which gave him a double, extra good physical strength and health. Later, he took karate. And as he started to practise karate, he was already with a good physical health and he was soft, but strong at the same time. (Bruce Lee talked about the same thing). And noone can beat him in tournamens, cuz he is so good at martial arts, and he's got such a good knowledge about martial arts, thanks to all of these different skills he learnt from different masters. Yes, this whole belt-thing is a big issue, also questions like: 'how many katas do you know?'. It would be so much better without belts. I wish this whole belt-system changed back to as it was in the old days, just the 'white and black'-belt system, or no belts at all, and no gradings. Just the disciple and the master and the art he/she is studying, and being devoted - I think that is the right way of martial arts. And also the body, health and mind must be all trained, not just the body, like nowadays, no one cares about health.. which is a shame.
  9. well.. I'm a girl so maybe I can be a bit useful here.. lol, well.. first of all be yourself. 2) Don't be rude and don't swear too much in front of her, 3) be nice to her, don't offend her, 4) don't laugh over her, 5) respect her wishes, 6) be there for her when she needs it, 7) give her compliments (but not too often!), but remember, girls always want to be their boyfriend's 'number one', so remind her that you do love her.
  10. Im still waiting. Hah, well, if you ever do get that considerable material wealth... then don't forget to share it with all your friends on Karate Forums! lol hahahahhaa!! that was ironic of you!
  11. Well... buddy.. you see, first of all.. do you want to learn ninjitsu? And, second, if you don't wanna learn it to kill, then think to yourself: 'im learning it to protect myself', it all just depends on how you take it. Oh and, by the way... I think ninjitsu is a really cool art. I mean, who wouldn't like it? Ninjas are cool, let's be honest, almost everyone have liked this cool art of the ninjas. If I had a chance to learn it, I'd learn it. But the problem is that there's no place in Estonia where I can learn ninjitsu. *pouts*
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