Hi there guys, my first time doing this so Im a little new around here ahaha Im having a couple issues when I help my sensei teach the lower belts new Kata and technique, and its that the lower belts have no respect for me! (Heres the reasoning behind why, in helps that you can give me some advice on how to change things) A couple years ago when I was a green belt in karate, my Sensei had a stroke! It was on the night of one of our classes so his wife called me and asked if I could teach in his place, of course I said I could, and thats what I did. Problem is, I made the classes fun, let the students talk, and became more of a friend than a instructor to them. now a few years later, I am testing for my black belt in a couple of months and one of the requirements is to get a certain amount of hours of teaching the younger students. TL;DR How do I get respect from students who only see me as a nice guy or a friend? (Every time I raise my voice to quiet them down, they seem to be afraid of me, and I dont want that ) Thanks for the help guys!