I am not an instructor, I am a student looking for guidance on my own instructor. Basically I have not been at his club long, less than 6 months but he began making a few odd comments towards me a few weeks back regarding secrets and 'relationships' within karate. I'm female btw, instructor is male and at least 25 years my senior. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and carried on with training as he is a good instructor and I enjoy his classes. At the weekend however, he waited until everyone had left the class and more or less admitted to having a "crush" on me. Said he finds me a distraction in the class and he's wondering where he stands regarding our relationship. I was a bit taken back by it and didn't know what to say, as I said I had always given him the benefit of the doubt before and due to the fact that he's older than me, married and a well respected member of the karate community with years of teaching behind him, I thought it unrealistic that his intentions were anything but good. Anyway on top of this admission, he then tested the water somewhat and asked if I wanted to go to his house before class. I feel this to be totally inappropriate and cant believe he even asked. I'm supposed to be going to training tonight but I now feel so uncomfortable with it all and don't know what to do. Not sure why I'm posting really, was hoping someone could advise me? Is this a known thing in karate? Just to add, the club is no Mcdojo, it is years old and the instructor is a 7th dan. There are a small number of 1 and 2nd dans in the club and a 4th dan. Tons of kyu grades. I can't believe this has happened and would hate to leave the club but is there any way back from this now?