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Everything posted by Isshinryu

  1. The Dojo I attend just upped its fees charging $80+ dollars a month. With over 400 stuedents, that works out to $32,000 per month and $384,000 per year. Quite a business but a lot of people are quitting because it is too pricey. He may just price himself out of business.
  2. He was some fighter but if you read his book, he's easily one of the most arrogant and conceided martial artists out there. I did this before anyone and I did that before it was popular. Its great to be Great but let others talk about you. He even stated in his book that Bruce Lee felt privledged to stand next to him as his teacher. It should be the other way around as Bruce taught him the moves.
  3. Another site is https://www.tigershop.com
  4. NO style should critisize any other style. All styles bring something to the table. As a Martial Arts Community, we should share our knowledge with eachother. My Sensei is a Sixth Degree in Isshinryu yet continually goes to other schools, tournaments and and seminars which include all different styles and tries to take the best concepts from each one. He always says that we, as students, should take the blinders off and recognize that how much we can learn from one another.
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