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Everything posted by DominikDoherty

  1. that is what gets me about self defense today it is very hard to have solid proof of self defense if there are no cameras or witnesses and a lot of the time if you do defend yourself you can go down and the attacker can go free
  2. what you just wrote down epitomized what I am trying to say.
  3. I say it was completely justified the guy was going to rush him and he defended himself but from the point of view of the jury and other people as a soldier he could have handled it better but from my point of view I say he was well within reason to kill him as he was going to rush him with a bat.
  4. many countries have ludicrous laws pertaining to self defense. a lot of countries require you to use "minimal force" but there is a flaw in that in the heat of the moment you will not be able to gauge what the minimal force required to stop an attacker will be. say for example someone the size of andre the giant rushes at you foaming at the mouth with rage and/or high on drugs you dont know how much pain they would be able to take so in that moment in time the most appropriate course of action is using as much force as you can. some countries do have stand your ground laws but these have flaws also such as someone could just shoot someone else and say "they attacked me and i stood my ground" thus they are free. what i think should happen is all self defense tools knives,tazers, mace and batons etc. should be made legal everywhere because by taking any and all weapons away you leave the innocent vulnerable and the criminals have an easier time obtaining weapons and attacking someone and better laws pertaining to self defense need to be put in place. before people say "if you ban such and such there will be less crime" hogwash if criminals want something they can get it or they dont even need knives or mace to attack someone two things they can use instead of those are kitchen knifes and vinegar or aftershave. does your country have ridiculous self defence laws ?
  5. I actually use that phrase myself better to be tried by twelve then carried by six because if somone tries to seriously harm me at the end of the day I have my family and my girlfriend to go back to. I will do everything possible to survive even if that means killing my attacker. Thanks for the advice and I plan to keep up the practice =)
  6. no im learning by myself my aikido sensei showed me a few things with it today and even gave me a small wooden kubotan but other than that i only have my girlfriend to train with since i am going to show her how to use a tactical pen. its annoying though because the kubotan is effective if used right but i need someone to show me what is right
  7. i have currently become interested in the use of the kubotan and need someone to practice with is there anyone around the fermanagh area of northern ireland that would be interested ?
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