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Everything posted by Borikay

  1. I agree. I ended up not enrollingin WC school. Now they are offering some kungfit programa (weight loss and fitness) that really madre me rethink about wether they are in for quality or quantity. My former shinshii went through The trouble of rescheduling clases so he can accomodate my schedule. So im resuming my toodee practice.
  2. Do consider it. There are lots of instructors out there that wouldn't be able to put forth their time to have a school if they didn't run it commercially. If the instructor is a good one, then definitely take the advantage of him being there. Then in a year when things open up at the other school, you'll have some foundation under your belt to go with.I look at it this way: if training is available, then why pass it up? I will, thank you.
  3. Thanks bushido, Second school won't accept students until next year. So that leaves me with the commercial WC school for now. Visited the kwoon awhile back, its not bad, good instructor, I just have a "thing" against business-type commercial schools. I'll give it some thought.
  4. So I decided to go ahead an enroll on a Wing Chun school since I'm having schedule issues (along with other more personal issues) with my current toodii (karate) studies. Its been almost three (3) months since my last practice. I'm both sad and excited, sad because I wil no longer (for the time being) practice my beloved art of toodii, on the other hand I'm very excited about practicing Wing Chun, its been "calling" me for some time now, and its been a natural transition for me. There are two Wing Chun schools close to my location; one very commercial, the other one not-so but I have to yet visit the kwoon. So I'm going to be hangin' around this forum a bit more often
  5. ... being able to find enough motivation to practice at home. I would like to dedicate more time to my MA training/practice. I know I have to. Just at the end of the day, after taking care of my two year old, my job (can be very demanding at times) running errands, house chores, and to top it off my wife suffers from bipolar/depression disorder... I find myself completely and totally drained, unable to do anything but staring at the computer screen reading/reseaching then finally falling asleep on top of the keyboard
  6. I was promised rank for "x" amount of time, and instructor rank within three years.... maybe lesss. That's a big "no-no" in my book. Maybe I'm being too picky. I'm really not in it for the rank. ... I'll give it some more thought
  7. You're welcome sifu. Been wanting to learn Wing Chun for awhile, truth is, my local (and only WC school) Wing Chun school is a bit too commercial for my tastes. So I've been reading/reseaching (watching youtube videos) and practicing at least the fundamentals in my spare time. Your videos have been a great help.
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