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Everything posted by Viktor

  1. To add my 2cents: the majority of the karateka who i currently train alongside are in their 30's and 40's, and have reported no such injuries. To top that all off, a Sensei of mine is in his 60's, with another in his 50's. All are super fit. The only thing i can imagine you would need to consider is giving more time to your warmups to minimise risk of injury. Osu
  2. Thank you for your prompt responses. I've actually had a look at Seido, and have found it to be a great art. The reason, however, I am looking for Ashihara or Enshin karate is because I want to explore the principle of Tai Sabaki, and know that these styles place particular emphasis on it. Unfortunately, I feel as though this is an element which lacks a bit in Kyokushin and several derivatives (not that they are without their redeeming qualities), and so hope to plug a few gaps in knowledge. As for the London dojo link: I feel a little awkward contacting a Kyokushin dojo in the search for an offshoot - although this feeling may be an ill-founded. Osu.
  3. Osu forum members. This is my first time on this forum, so i wanted to give a brief intro: The name's Viktor. I'm 24, living in London (UK) and have been practicing Kyokushin for the past 3 years (with an unfortunately long break owing to academic commitments). Prior to that i was dabbling in Muay Thai for a short period. With that said, i was wondering whether anyone knows of any Ashihara or Enshin karate dojos within the London area. Whilst i really relish Kyokushin, its training and principles, i was looking for one of the above to supplement it. After much googling, i've come up short. Many thanks, Osu.
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