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Everything posted by Guyver

  1. Im 22...man I feel old.
  2. While were on the subject, anyone know where I can get a back mounted sword strap, similar to the one scorpion has in Mortal Kombat:Deadly Alliance?? I have look alot online, found nothing close and the closest I found was poorly made, and held it sideways....would apprieciate any help.
  3. Century Martial Arts is pretty good for uniforms, not sure as far as weapons go for there quality. https://www.centuryma.com Hope it helps alittle.
  4. Actually, the weather this weekend is perfect...and its great cause I dont have to work (always a plus). Thanks for all the "welcome's" guys. Thanks for having me!
  5. Hello Board....let me start with a little bio: My name is Josh, I am 22years old and am from Chicago, IL...born and raised and dont ever plan on leaving. I hold 2 belts, 2nd Dan in Shorin Ryu Karate and 1st Dan in TKD. I am proficient with Staff, Nunchakus, and Sword (Japanese), as well as Bow and Firearms. Well, thats me....damn, It looks like a resume, oh well. Hello Board, I joined because I liked the format of this board, and with the exception of 2 of my friends, I really cant discuss MA with anyone. I hope that I dont annoy you people too much. So Hello and thanks for Having me.
  6. A sword is a better weapon, its more offensive and destructive weapon. While a Bo/Staff is a great weapon, a sword with a defesive stroke has the "cutting" ability, which is good because while it may not win the fight, a nice slice will slow down someone considerably. Not to mention that a well trained swordsman will be able to cut through a wooden staff if they try to block with it. You would have to parry with a staff in order to avoid losing your staff to a sword. Sword in my opinion is the second most dominating melee weapon, first being a naginata, which is a fluid mix of staff and sword.
  7. Breaking bricks is easy, but its most for focus and technique. They dont hit back, and usually you have using a form of tech that will break it easily. At my school when I was becoming a black belt, I was given a board about the size of a railroad tie, and were told to break it...the wood was damn near unbreakable, and NOT breakable by a hand. After trying to break it for about an hour, and my hand hurt so much I couldnt feel it, he told me I passed. I was confused but he told me the that trying to break that board, was like going up against losing odds, and not giving up. (That board was taken home and sawed through about a hour later...for mocking me and not breaking, stupid board!) Breaking isnt important, anyone can break a brick/board, its the discipline to try....
  8. Honestly, you shouldnt tell anyone that you are even in Karate, its for your personal gain, not for anyone else. I went through the same thing in HS and here is what I learned... 1.) Never back down, but DONT go causing trouble. 2.) Most people that would start with you are doing it bacause they know it gets under your skin, if it doesnt, they wont see the point. 3.)Ask your instructor to teach you a few non lethal grounding techs, if something should happen, make it quick and effective, but keep it non lethal because if it gets bloody, that will just start the fun "gang warfare" with you as a target.... Good luck!
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