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Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I disagree, everyone's crescent kick will always be weaker than everyone's spinning side kick, unless a person is terrible/brilliant at one or the other. So it is safe to say that the spinning side kick technique is more powerful than the crescent kick.
  2. So there are many versions of the overhand this one is like a regular right hook except its an overhand it goes over and comes down onto the target. 1) Should my hips rotate the normal way ie parallel with the ground? Or do I bend one leg and rotate my hips diagonally down towards the ground? 2) Where does the arm start? Do you have to have it low like by your backside or can you throw it with your hands up? (the looping hook version of the overhand not a different version) 3) What arc does your fist and arm take? I dont get it. The hips are spinning horizontally and the arm takes like a rainbow arc diagonally over the top, feels like two different motions that done fit together HELP
  3. Did he tell you he was a sniper too? You gotta love the imaginary snipers, 1st question I ask them is what regiment are they in = found out, can I buy you a drink friend (a manipulation so you dont rip on them) I like to reply with no thanks id much rather rip on you.
  4. So how can a southpaw best make an orthodox fighters life hell? Whats the most effective way to fight? What combos what techniques are high % So far I have found... the rear left round kick to the head/liver to work a treat the rear cross lands alot also
  5. how can something slower and lighter hit harder? a rear cross uses most of your body weight, and travels really fast, a donkey kick uses very little body weight and travels at a slower speed, how can the donkey kick do more damage in some cases and about the same in other cases?
  6. Than Karate versions? They are very similar but in Capoeira they bend to the side and this for me makes the kicks feel alot heavier, they feel more powerful, are they? Why are they if they are?
  7. Take a donkey kick, its quite fast, it commits some body weight but not that much, but its really freaking strong, using the buttock directly. Then take a rear cross punch, its faster, it delivers more body-weight, its not as strong, but is "probably" more powerful. If you throw a right cross to someones knee, its unlikely to do any damage, if you throw a donkey kick to someones knee it might break that knee! Since the donkey kick is less powerful or about the same power as a right cross then it must have been the strength that made the difference!? To the head the punch will probably more likely get a KO, but the donkey kick can get a KO too its not that far behind. (it may be ahead IKD) but the strength of the kick here "seems" to make up for its lack of speed and weight aka power. To the body again about equal. My point is, the damage a strike does isnt just to do with speed, weight and power, strength makes a difference and the more strength the better. What do you guys think?
  8. It can get confusing because if the bag is too light it will always swing a massive amount/ get launched/ bounce. If the bag is filled to soft/little or the gloves you are using are too padded, or the material doesnt make noise easily, again its less likely to produce noise and more likely that you will push, the punch just gets softened/cushioned and slowed too much before any kind of impact is made. So im looking for reliable ways to make sure you are striking in a high quality way.
  9. What are the signs to look for when you throw a good quality strike rather than a push? So far I have noticed a central fugal force in the hand (pain) where all the blood/ pressure goes into your hand when your strike is fast enough. The bag makes a bang sound. Not a dull thud. The more of a bang/ loud violent crack the faster the strike I believe? The bag jumps and frenzy wobbles in place, it doesnt do a big swing like with a push. You can see the energy go through the bag rather than into it, you cant actually see it but you kinda can by understanding whats happening during a good/bad strike, and seeing by how the bag reacts. The strike will be impressively fast if it is powerful, and it cant be fast alone it has to have weight behind it too. You tell me the signs to look out for, for a good quality strike.
  10. Why not just spin and stiff leg it? Get all the power from the torque of the body and not add the hook kick leg action to the kick? To me it seems like adding the hook portion of the leg at the end of the spin, actually reduces the power of this kick, it would be like throwing a straight right punch with the hips and then extending the arm with the tri cep instead of keeping the arm loose and letting the arm get flung by the hips/shoulders. It kinda reduces the power and breaks the flow of power from the hips. Am I doing it wrong is it more powerful the traditional way, with the hooking motion at the end, and I am somehow messing it up? Why is the traditional way more powerful? (I accept I am probably wrong just want to know why) A proper spinning hook kick you spin AND you do a hook kick with your leg. What im doing is ONLY spinning and keeping my leg straight and it connects with the heel, but the power is solely coming from the bodies rotation.
  11. Learn how to sprawl, and be violent and erratic and sweaty when they try to apply submissions. Thats short term attempted quick fix solutions. Long term be more well rounded learn how to grapple properly.
  12. ........travel a circular path like a boxing hook, or a straight lined path like a boxing straight right?
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