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    Martial Arts, Computers, Music
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Karateboy's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. No the only place I spoke about double grading was with my father-in-law and on this forum. I didn't want to ask the CI at the risk of looking arrogant. I don't think they were planning to do it because when I got my grading certificate they said they didn't have a spare green-white belt with them to award and I'd have to get one this week from the dojo.
  2. Just got back from grading and I was awarded a double grade. Very happy!
  3. I know of 2 double gradings that's happened in the club, and have only seen one. The first was a guy who was doing 18 classes a week, Karate is like oxygen to him, he needs it to live. He has achieved Shodan since then and has been hired full time by the dojo as an apprentice. The second was a girl, I'm not sure how many classes she attends but every time I'm at a class she is there as well so I assume she does many. She is always travelling to tournaments and at the last grading she performed all her techniques very well. When she was awarded a double rank the CI announced they weren't going to double grade anyone however they made an exception for her because the entire panel agreed she was ready. I'm not expecting to get the double grade, but it never hurts to have a bit of hope right? I understand it's not a race, I will treat the grading like all my classes. I'll go in with focus and try my best. If I don't double grade, oh well, if I do that's nice too, regardless I'll be back on the mat training hard on Monday. Two classes today, some personal training at home tomorrow and grading on Sunday. I'll post how I went after grading. Again thank you for all the posts, I was overwhelmed by the wealth of knowledge available at this forum. Many thanks for the information.
  4. I'm the same, dead in the morning, until I find a cup of coffee I'm pretty much a mindless drone. After my coffee though I will stretch out but nothing more really. On Wednesdays I schedule a personal lesson at my dojo around 10:30AM, by this time I'm some-what functional. I'm a much bigger fan of late evening trainings, perhaps because I'm a night owl but around 5:30PM-7:30PM I find I can train a lot harder and feel the fatigue much less. Recently I learned Tensho I think I might start doing it in the mornings after stretching, not much room needed unlike the other Shotokan katas I have learned.
  5. I'm very grateful for the helpful posts. I'll stick with demonstration to the point we are taught for that rank. I don't think I will ask my Sensei about double grading though, it usually comes as a surprise at grading if you performed very well and I think asking/expecting it will come off as arrogant. Again thanks for the posts, they were very insightful. I train under Clint Chaffey of Shorikan Karate-Do, out in the paddocks of NSW. (http://www.shorikan.com.au)
  6. Greetings, This coming Sunday I will be grading for my orange belt, currently I am a yellow belt. I'm confident that I can attain orange belt however I am really hoping to double grade to green-white stripe belt. (Our school goes white > yellow > orange > green > blue > brown > black, with white stripes in between.) I have been training about 11 months and have only been to one grading (I started training right after a grading and there was a long gap until the next) and attend the intermediate classes as well as beginner classes and a weekly personal lesson with my Kyoshi. I shared my thoughts of double grading with my father-in-law who is a 3rd Dan in Zen Do Kai (and dabbled in many other MAs as well) and his advice to show I was keen was to add take downs to my self-defense demos instead of just doing the self-defense demos to the point we are shown at the dojo (which at our rank usually doesn't include take downs.) I'm just wondering if this would be considered over the top? I'm sure some of the posters on this forum have been on a grading panel so I was hoping to get their perspective on what they think would be more appropriate. Would it be better to add the take down and show I have sought extra training or would it be better to stop at the point I've been shown in my dojo? Thanks for your time & replies in advance! *Edit: cuz me spull relly gud
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