I am in the sweet, not really, position of having to change either style within karate or change which martial arts I am practicing, the reason for this is that I will be starting University and in the city where I will be attending university they do not have any Kyokushinkai dojos, thus I seem to be forced to either change to Shotokan, Kendo or Aikido (As those are the martial arts I currently know of that exists in that city)... Thus I am calling upon this forum to help me decide what I should do... I have some pros and cons for Kendo and Aikido, whilst not much understanding for Shotokan... The pros for Kendo for me would be the extra exercise and more demanding physical training (I am in really bad shape...), whilst cons for Kendo would be no real world applications... And that takes me to Aikido, which from my perspective, seems to have the opposite pros and cons... If by chance it matters, I achieved 5th kyu in kyokushainkai before Christmas, then haven't trained since because of exams... Edit: Forgot to add that if anyone knows about any Kyokushin dojos in Glasgow, or reachable for a student in Glasgow, please let me know