After a long hiatus (12 years!) I finally started back into karate. My former style was Uechi-Ryu, but I practiced in MA and couldn't find a single Uechi-Ryu dojo nearby. After taking a practice class at a Shotokan dojo near my house, I decided to practice there. The issue is that for the 4 classes I've attended so far, we ONLY do katas after 10 minutes of warmup/stretching. I've found myself completely lost as the stances, punches, blocks, turns, and katas are very different. With Uechi we practiced the very basics (punches, blocks, turns, conditioning, stretches) for almost a month before getting to katas. With this dojo I'm just thrown into the katas as a "learn on the spot" thing. With Uechi the class would be broken up with different types of conditioning, history lessons, katas, and pairing off. With this dojo it's warm up, then kata, kata, kata. I guess my question is, is this typical of Shotokan? I know there are a lot more katas in Shotokan than Uechi, but I guess I sort of assumed that the classes would have much more varied activities. It's been hard not to compare my "old" style with my "new", but I'm trying hard!