Happy to find your site of like minded individuals. Long story short my husband has been training under a reasonably new style (25-30 years) under his father. He has been the main instructor/manager/face of the school for approx. 10 years. Everyone knows him and loves him - just as it should be. The school has struggled financially over these years causing huge frustration on our part with missing pay, bounced checks, wage theft, etc. But for my husbands love and respect for the martial arts and our extended family he has hung on strong. The master of the school, his father is an unstable individual and things have been progressively worse in the past year. Many BB and parents have asked him when he was going to start his own school (this was an excuse for many cut backs and due increases-so he could have his own school) They were unhappy with how he was being treated and said they would go wherever he went. About 10 weeks ago his father fired him and told him to never come back. He loves teaching martial arts - it is his true gift so we decided to start his own school. We did everything right, new school name, new location, new logo, new patches, new gi's, our own insurance, etc. He did not call any current students-he only called students that have since left because they do not like they way his father was treating the students. Students with life time memberships now pay him just so he can train their family. Families have actually sought him out looking for him or called around to see where he is. We have a big following and they are all very happy now to train with him in a new place. My question is - his father is constantly telling everyone and texting my husband he will sue him for Infringement and stealing his clientele. He has said again and again he has contacted an attorney and will sue us for damages. He has told friends of ours that he is sending a cease and desist order because he is not allowed to continue in Martial Arts.......it breaks my heart that things have come to this - this is not at all what Martial Arts is all about. Has anyone dealt with a situation like this? Can he actually sue us for teaching a variation of his style if it is not trademarked?